Chapter 11: Manipulation

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"Y-You can't just-" Mayu stuttered, as Monotusk chuckled. "Can't what, dear princess? Make you all slaughter each other? Of course I can! I can't kill you all myself, so. I can provide motives that are bound to break one of you eventually, and give into killing."

"But...Doesnt it seem like a strange one at that?" Leif spoke up. "You mention you took the medication, and made it impossible for us to help nurse ourselves back to health..Yet. What if someone dies of natural causes?"

Monotusk made an angry face directly at Leif. "Are you asking to be a volunteer for what'll happen when you get smart with me?"

"But wouldn't that also go against the rules of your game?" Balhika asked. "I checked over our rules earlier via our tablets, and it specifically says. The headmaster is only permitted to execute a student if a said student physically attacks the headmaster or breaks any rule listed. However, getting smart isn't there."

"...Damn you kids, and your specifics." Monotusk groaned.

"Seems Mr Headmasters angry." Amelia smirked. "However, the more you falter, the easier it is to expose who's behind you. Is it not?"

"I'm going to simply ignore that. That said, I wonder how everything will unfold in due time for you all." Monotusk chuckled, disappearing from the stage.

"Seriously, how's he even pull them stunts off?" Abbey scratched her head in confusion. "That all said, what're we gonna do if someone has a health crisis like Hiro could possibly have?"

"I-I'll be fine, I swear." Hiro said, taking deep breaths. "I...It's happened before. I'm a fighter. I-I wanna help you guys-"

"Sugar, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't push yourself so much." Trinity spoke. "If anything, you should try to rest best you can."

"Resting in a place like this?" Dante snarked. "Fuck that, I'm lookin for a way out like all y'all so I can get back out into the fab world waiting above for me. I wanna be back up where the people are."

"Ironic you say that, given your stage name." Trinity spoke.

"Plot twist. I'm unique, unlike you Barbie." Dante said, pulling out his hand mirror and admiring himself more.

Trinity merely rolled her eyes, before speaking again. "Well given this new motive...What exactly are we supposed to do? If I dare try to eat anything, it'll go straight to my thighs. A girl like myself has to remain strict to her diet after all, and keep herself shining."

"But then wouldn't that mean starving ourselves?!" Oliver asked. "That..Dammit, that wouldn't be good for anyone! Plus, Eppi here needs to eat something himself and I haven't since found any eucalypt leaves. I'm worried this little guys gonna starve to death!"

"Wouldn't it mean it's a good idea to focus on getting the other doors open?" Aurora asked. "Given what we found so far with supposed labs given to some of us based on our talents...What if these locked off rooms also have those? Maybe one has a Lab for Oliver to find what he needs!"

"We've been trying the doors though for some time, but to no avail." Leif said, begrudgingly. "However, the idea as it is, is appreciated and a good one."

"Not even the big strong men of our group couldn't get the doors open?!" Dante gasped, before smirking. "Maybe perhaps y'all could get another thing open for me."

"Yet another vague reminder to supply you with a lifetime supply of Snickers. Then you could have all the nuts in your mouth you could ever want!" Balhika snarked sarcastically.

"Hey! That's my line!" Amelia shouted.

"Sweetheart, I think you mean. MY line. Secondly, I'm the Icon in these parts so, Haha!" Balhika chuckled.

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