Chapter 23: Self Reflection

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The room in those moments was terrifyingly silent. Mayu felt herself shaking, thoughts bombarding her mind. Even Kiryu, who hadnt cared much about a lot..was seen a bit distressed himself.

Whilst Amelia. Could only laugh. "Well goddamn. It seems my theory was right after all! You kill someone here directly or indirectly and you get punished in a way the one behind this figures is best for you as a person, OR your talent? Cmon, how can you all sit here and tell me the unpredictable nature isnt at least a little fun?"

"Somehow you finding Human lives being at stake here as genuinely fucking creepy." BeeBee side eyed Amelia. "Dare I even say that I-"

BeeBee gagged, trying to hold back the bile rising in her throat at the image before her. "Jesus Christ, I cant do this anymore man.."

"This was...honestly quite disgusting." Balhika said, trying to compose himself. "Ive seen some rather terrible things in the work business that degree. God, I.."

"Its Inhumane!" Aurora said, through tears. "Whoevers controlling you, you'll...You'll be in so much legal trouble!"

"Oh, will I now? Nobody knows exactly where we are, silly girl! After all, we are in the depths of the ocean! Oh no! Scary Police coming to get meeeee!" Monotusk mocked, as the guards laughed in unison. Leaving the Trial room themselves, the 12 students remained as Monotusk smirked.

"With all this said..I must say, 2 absolutely deliciously beautiful cases so far! One a complete manipulated case, and one..accidental on the end of someone being a dunce! Hello, Hello? Monodev, could you send your dear Botanist icon? ...Oh right, you failed. I forgot. Though, the despair of an accidental caused by a third party, and one a complete accident yet trying so hard to get away with beautiful."

Silence loomed over the Trial room, as Monotusk tilted his head. "My my, giving up it seems. How wonderful! Any new sign of Hope, and I very well may crush it! We'll see however! Tootaloo for now kiddos!"

Monotusk and his guards disappeared, as the group remained still in shock. "What are we..supposed to do?" Kaeo asked. "Weve searched desperately for a way out and each time, nothing..I..I feel myself losing that..that desire, passion strive."

"K-Kaeo?" Aiden asked nervously.

"If..You'll all excuse me. Please." Kaeo spoke with a sad tone, as he got onto the elevator.

Some of the others looking quite shaken up, as Aiden nervously rubbed his arms. Before..lifting his head up. "I-Im going after Kaeo! B-Because. Hes been there for me! And..and I wanna return the favor!"

As Aiden was about to head up, Leif stopped him. "Aiden. I..think Kaeo might need some space. While I commend your bravery, maybe we should.."

Aiden shook his head. "I-I dont wanna sit back and cower anymore! Especially..After all Kaeo did to help me, and..and being my friend, even when I felt afraid..He..He reminds me of Kaori, and..Just like with Big Bro, I wanna help Kaeo in his dark time too!"

Aiden running over to the Elevator, went up as everyone else stood. Frozen and looking at each other with looks of fear and sadness. All this Hope, lost and withered away. Only to be left with the despair, fear that nothing. Nothing was coming to save them. Who was to say..

Nobody said a thing as they rode the elevator back up. An intense somber silence enveloping everyone, the elevator feeling heavier than usual. Everyone heading off to do their own things, as a means to clear their minds. Nobody wanted to gather for breakfast..nobody wanted to be around one another.

Kiryu, who went back to his room. Sat on his bed and took a deep breath. Taking off his glasses and rubbing his face, he tried to take some deep breaths as a means to forget the very horrors he witnessed.

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