Chapter 53: Almost There

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"Regarding the list?" Mayu asked.

"Yes. The list of missing children? I believe if I have someone who can carefully study the bones of said children left in the Daycare, we can confirm my theory of those kids being the same ones gone missing listed here." Luna clarified.

"...Uhh, Shit." Lily said. "So, funny story. Our guy who could help you there? Hes-"

"In the Submarine? That girl, Yumico mentioned as such. I will admit, she was wise to seek him near immediately as his help could go a long way in figuring this mystery out." Luna spoke.

"...Shit, we need to figure this out ASAP and get outta here. The more im here, the more nauceous I feel knowing im in someway tied to these games." Akira spoke, trying to compose himself.

"But youre not." Lily spoke. "Well, that copycat was made after you, but. That was Raidons doing. We all came to agreement on that sometime after the game ended, right?"

"...Perhaps asking Balhika more information regarding that would be a good idea." Mayu said, as Luna nodded. "My thoughts exactly. He has to know something in regards to this Raidon Ishida. They have ties to each other, and are part of the same cult thats been toying with our lives like this after all."

After everything was discussed, Luna made her way to the Daycare area to gather the bones needed for studying as Yumico proceeded to get one of their many new comrades, Aiko to help out. Once she made their way to the Daycare, Luna stepped inside and instantly felt nauceous once more. "So much innocence lost from these pure souls..Lifes taken far too early..However I promise to seek justice for all of you. For all the children who suffered."

Stepping into the Play area, Luna began to search around before she began to realize. "I might need my Hazmat suit if im going to be handling bodies. God forbid the germs or even bugs that could be surrounding these bones and all that we hadnt noticed before."

"Ahh, are..You Luna?" A males voice came from behind as Luna nearly jumped. "Oh! I..hadnt noticed anyone there. I presume youre the Aiko that was mentioned to me?"

"Thats correct." Aiko spoke. "So, we have bones to investigate here? Leave it to me!"

"Are you..sure you dont need a hazmat suit of sorts? The germs here are quite immense." Luna assured as Aiko shook his head. "Its fine. Ive got this."

As Aiko got to work gathering all the bones to bring to the Library, Luna began looking across the Daycare more. 'Perhaps whilst he does that, I could look around here for more clues as to Balhikas motivations.'

Looking through the Toy Chest where corpses were originally found, she discovered at the bottom a photo of sorts along with a pile of notes. "Hmm?"

"What?" Aiko asked, as Luna looked over the contents. In them, she took note of the multiple children within the Daycare perfectly lined up. All ranging from Age 5 to 12. "Hmm..Unlike that Ken child, these children all seemed to be raised here in this Daycare. Why would there be a Nursery as well? Unless.."

As her eyes skimmed over more, she thought to herself. "Unless..If im correct, Balhikas been taking kids from their parents be it theyre good or bad and raised them here. We might need more answers from Akira and his friends.'

Taking the photo, she turned to Aiko who was finishing up gathering all the bones. "Find anything more?"

"Not yet. Beside the photo, I happen to believe that Balhika has made this somewhat of a paradise for these children to keep them safe. Why things ended up this way..Be it Balhikas fault or not. It destroys me seeing all these children robbed from their chance to live."

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