Intermission 5

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"Please...Please wake up soon."

Kioka could only mutter those words, as she held Daichis hand and waited for him to wake. Inside the Hospital, multiple machines all about hooked up to the very boy who was shot twice by an unknown force. Kioka refusing to leave his side, and waiting for him to wake. The sun glistening in through the window, and shining bright onto Daichis face as after what felt like days..

"Someone..turn the fuckin lights off." Daichi muttered, as Kiokas face lit up with joy. "Youre awake, youre awake!"

"Yeah, now is there cof-" Daichi asked before noticing something in his arm. "Uhm...Ok someone explain immediately. Who the fuck put this needle in my arm?! Most importantly, where the fuck am I?"

" the Hospital, Daichi." Kioka muttered under her breath, as Daichi had a look of internal panic as he took a deep breath and calmed down. "Hey. No need to mutter, im not mad at you, ok? I just..Can you tell me what happened?"

"But...Are you sure?" Kioka asked worried as Daichi nodded. "Yep. Id rather the honesty really."

"Uhm...W-Well...and..Promise you wont be mean or snap!" Kioka said assertively as Daichi raised an eyebrow. "I cant promise that, but..For your sake, ill try."

"Uh..Ok shot twice. You..lost a lot of blood, and uhm...Riku...Donated some of his blood to save your life since..You nearly died."

Those words made Daichis blood run cold. "...I dont know whats worse. Almost dying by the thing I fear or being medically inflicted with dumbassery!"

"Hey!" Kioka said with a small tone. "I know you dont like Riku, but..But you could at least thank him! I know..Riku isnt perfect..but nobody is, Daichi! Some of us have...have flaws, Big Sis Aratani told me..and..sometimes you have to look a bit deeper to see the good in people!"

"Flawed people can still annoy the shit out of me, Kioka." Daichi responded before sighing. "Though..I guess youre right. He..did technically save my life, so I at least respect him for tha-"

Just then, Daichi noted Kioka was holding his hand as his face went bright red. "O-Oh no, are you mad?!" Kioka asked worried as she pulled away, as Daichi spoke in a flustered stuttering tone. "NONONONO! Its-Its ok, I just..Think you could..keep it there a little longer? Please? Its..kinda comforting."

"Oh! Ok!" Kioka said, with a big smile that instantly made Daichis chest hurt. 'Oh god, is this what selling my dignity and ego feels like? GET IT TOGETHER, DAICHI!'

Meanwhile outside the Hospital, Zenkichi was on his phone making a call to an old friend. "Hey, Zenny Boy! Been a long time!"

"Hey, it..really has hasnt it Ryu?" Zenkichi asked, chuckling to himself.

"Somethin up, man?" Ryu asked, as Zenkichi caught himself. "Ahh, no no worries..Aside from a kid getting shot, alls goo-"

"WHAAAT?!" Ryu asked in shock. "Someone got shot?! The hell happened, are you guys alright?! Should I come-"

"One of Akiras friends, someone he and his friends rescued from these Killing Games that are happening around the world." Zenkichi spoke up.

"Ahh shit, thats right!" Ryu spoke up. "Well, funny story..Ever since you told me about these? I decided to join your little investigation team!"

"You sure about that?" Zenkichi asked, as Ryu gave a confident tone. "Hey, Ive seen and endured a hell of a lot! Im sure I can handle this crazed lunatic. What, is he just a simple incel or something?"

"....Ryu, hes a criminal Mastermind." Zenkichi blatantly spoke, as Ryu stopped. "Welp. Shit, guess we really gotta take this operation even more serious. Well, anything of importance you need me to do?"

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