Chapter 3: Innocence Prevails

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Running into the next hallway where Mayu and Leif heard screaming, it was the same as before except...Now the floors seemed oddly carpeted. More as a means to have a more welcoming nature perhaps? However, before them was 2 new people.

There was a boy who was wearing blue overalls, and had a yellow shirt with red stripes underneath on. His arms covered in colorful bandaids, with red sneakers and green socks. Hair being brown, and eyes a baby blue color.

The other boy seemed quite tall, and...rather edgy looking. A grey flat ivy newsboy hat, with rectangle framed glasses. He seemed to be wearing a black denim jacket, with a white shirt underneath with little splashes of ink. Wearing leather pants, and blue sneakers to match.

"I-I'm Sorry, Mister-I-I I just want my big brother!" The little one mentioned, as the taller ones eyes went empty.

"Hmph. Big brother? Like anyone would want to be an older role model to someone as whiny and annoying as you. Now step aside, you little shit-"

"HEY!" Mayu shouted. "Leave him alone!" Mayu rushed over to the little ones side, standing in front of him as she looked back. "You ok, little guy?"

"M..Mhm...I just...I can't find Big Bro any-"

"Would you shut your mouth already?!" The tall one exclaimed. "It's people like yourself that just annoy the hell out of me."

"If he annoys the hell out of you, then why do you insist on bullying him??" Mayu shouted. "Is it for your self inflated ego?!"

"Hmm. And what's a pathetic Hello Kitty wannabe like you know about me?" The tall one smirked. "For your information, you will refer to me as Kiryu Suzuki. Ultimate Tattoo Artist. If theres a problem with me, you can face me like a man, or cower in the corner like the little pest you are."

Mayu felt her teeth clench hard, as her fists clenched even tighter. Leif looking on with worry as he spoke. "Uhm, Ms Akagi. Maybe it's best we don't-"

"Whats even going on over here?" A squeaky voice girl was heard asking, as she came into sight. She seemed to be wearing what looked like a sun hat one wears in the summertime, that had a decorative Pink, Orange, and Blue rose on top. Blonde hair and cute swirls on her cheeks, with blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a purple coat of sorts, with long leggings that had yellow pants revealed beneath them and big black rubber boots. On her hands were grey gloves of sorts, that seemed slightly big for such tiny hands.

"I literally just wake up, and all I'm hearing is confrontation. Can't a Queen Bee get her beauty sleep?" The little girl asked, as she looked over to Kiryu. Kiryu looking back to her, as he shoved Aiden aside and walked over to her. "Hmm..another insolent target to get in the way?" Kiryu asked directly.

"Insolent? Oh! Silly mister!" The girl exclaimed as she giggled. "In case you're not aware, I'm BeeBee Takahashi, and I'm the Ultimate Beekeeper!" The girl exclaimed, as Kiryu chuckled.

"Even more proof of being a pest in my way." Kiryu gestured. "Now move as-"

"Hmmm. Nope!" BeeBee said with a smile. "First, you're gonna walk over to that boy and apologize immediately!"

"Or what?" Kiryu smirked, as a cold look came over BeeBee, and a sudden...ring of anger burst through her like an angry wasp.

"If you don't apologize to that fucking child..ILL CUT OFF YOUR NUTSACK, AND NAIL IT TO A DOOR!" BeeBee shouted, as she snapped back to reality. "Oopsies! Did i say that? Teehee!" She giggled.

Kiryu stared on in absolute shock and disgust, as did Leif and Mayu. The small child clapping all the while over everything, as his face suddenly went pale again and a loud scream.

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