Chapter 9: All seems..Normal?

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As everyone gathered back into the Dining Hall, Jasmine stood at the front of the table sitting straight and assessing the group. "Now. It seems we've all gotten the general gist of what our situation is. So, who'd like to go first?"

Balhika stood. "Perhaps I should, as...Trinity here did nothing but try flirting with me the entire time, whilst...The blonde gremlin and fourchan troll went at each other's throats."

"WHO YOU CALLING A GREMLIN, MINT HAIR?!" BeeBee shouted, before composing herself.

"Ahh yes. Very creative insult. Proving my point more and more by the minute." Balhika spoke in a condescending tone. "Anyways, we did some looking around, and around the end of the dorm room hallway appears to be a dome of sorts. When you look outside, you can see the ocean and many sea creatures. Thus, proving that Monotusk was correct. We're potentially 100 or more feet underwater, and possibly no ways of calling for help. Not yet anyways."

"Well this isn't any good." Jasmine spoke. "If we're that deep underwater and no means of communication...Then what exactly can we do?"

"Oh, ya know. We twiddle our thumbs and pray to some almighty being that all our troubles are solved." BeeBee spoke. "Oh wait. No we don't. We maybe try fighting Monotusk?!"

"That..would be rather irrational." Leif spoke. "Given we know we're so deep underwater now, and no ways of escape...That doesn't help any especially with the paranoia that could easily set in for us all."

"This said. I'll go ahead and share what my group has learned." Jasmine spoke. "Those strange locked doors that won't open whatsoever that look like corridors to other areas? Locked apparently until a murder happens. It's utterly sickening if you ask me."

"How do you know that?!" Hiro asked out of panic. "Did- Did Monotusk?"

"Yes." Kiryu bluntly spoke. "If you'd shut up and let her speak, but. I'm sorry, that's impossible for you aint it?"

"Is it ever possible for you to just. Not open your mouth?" BeeBee snarked, rolling her eyes.

"Everyone, please!" Aurora shouted. "I know we're all tense and worried, but fighting like this especially in this situation isn't helping anyone!"

BeeBee sighed. "You're right. Listen, I'll admit I was wrong to snap, but. Maybe lessen being an ass, Kiryu?"

"Do I look like a Donkey to you? Secondly, no I will not lessen being...THAT." Kiryu snapped.

"Worth a shot." BeeBee groaned.

"Now stop being so mean, Kiryu!" Aurora said, pouting all the while. "I get you're afraid, but being rude isn't helping. You're one of us, and your life matters just as much in this scary place!"

Kiryu rolled his eyes, and looked back to Hiro. "Very sorry. Happy now?"

"It-It doesn't matter anymore. Alright?" Hiro said with some regret in his voice.

"Anyways." Jasmine spoke bluntly. "Our group has learned that the doors leading to other areas? A murder must be committed, which frankly worries me. If someone becomes claustrophobic enough, they could snap."

"Well, if it helps any!" Kaeo stood. "I can share what our group found, which was a Playroom of sorts made specifically for Aiden!"

Aiden peeked out from behind Kaeo, as he walked up to Trinity with a drawing of sorts. Holding it up to her and showing her. "This is to say sorry for earlier. I drew you like a flower, because Kaeo says you're a beautiful flower!"

"Why thank you Sugar." Trinity said with a kind tone. "It's no worries for earlier of course, as I know you didn't mean or know what you were saying. It happens to us all..Of course, I can only assume WHERE you heard it from."

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