Intermission 3

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"Can we please stop somewhere and get something to eat?" Kentaro could be heard in the backseat. Riku, groaning as he kept his eyes on the road. Listening to the sounds of his music blasting, as he kept driving. One thing was on everyones minds most importantly, and that was finding clues on the new 16 missing students.

"Swear to god, I feel like a fucking soccer mom with the kids in the back begging for goddamn food.." Riku said aloud, as Mitsuko chuckled. "Fitting, since you have Soccer Mom energy, dude."

"S-shut the fuck up, before I punch you!" Riku groaned, as he sighed. "Forget that. So..What was the plan again? Where the hell is this Mayu Akagis place?" Mitsuko took a moment to think.

"If I remember right, shes one of the victims of the Underwater Killing Game, right?" Kentaro asked, as Kioka could be seen napping peacefully with one of the new faces..Daichi sitting right next to her.

"Lets just get this over with, ok? Our mission was clear. Get intel on Mayu Akagi, and some of the other participants."

"Dont gotta tell me twice." Riku said, rolling his eyes as did Daichi. Looking forward the best he could on the road, Riku occasionally glanced outside. The sun setting over the horizon, making for quite the beautiful sight. Taking in the air coming from outside his window, he looked out to the grassy meadows brim with life. People taking walks, going about their days..

And yet, Riku was unsure of how he felt. Even if it had been almost a year since he escaped, he had consistent amounts of questions. Particularly, wondering how he managed to survive. Where would he go. All the sessions with Aratani of learning to perform alongside her for the big show she wanted to throw, to lift spirits. Putting aside her own burdens so selflessly, in order to see others smile. Her smile especially.

Only taken away by that of the hands of a psychopath, manipulating the mind of a broken puppet master longing for connection. Riku grasped the steering wheel tightly in anger, hearing all the surrounding voices around him, as he just wanted to focus on the road.

Where does he go once this is all over..Does he continue Racing, or maybe taking up something new entirely to express his rage. The burdens he feels, what does he do with those..tackle them alone out of fear of worrying his new friends, or follow the advice of a fellow comrade.

Snapping back to reality, the GPS was speaking. "Youve arrived at your destination." Looking outside the car window, Daichi was seen raising an eyebrow in confusion. Kioka was just waking up, Kentaro looked...pale. Mitsuko had a look of determination yet concern. Riku however...knew something was wrong.

Outside the home was multiple Police Cars, lights blaring with a few news vans. Standing in front of a camera was a reporter girl of sorts. Her hair a brown, with patches of blue in a stylistic way. 2 pencils around the back parts of her hair to form a bun. She was wearing a yellow jacket of sorts, and had a bag wrapped around her shoulder filled with notes and a bunny keychain attached. A polka dot tie with her brown vest and white button up shirt underneath her jacket. Brown Khaki Capri pants as well, with glow up sneakers.

"This is Ultimate News Reporter, Hayari Saitou with another news report! A shocking tragedy found today at the Akagi household. Taeko Akagi, mother of the famous Plush Maker Mayu Akagi, dead. Not to mention 3 children gone missing, with no evidence or traces yet to their location. We'll have more to this story at 7!"

Mitsuko stepped out the car as did the others, while Kentaro. He stood there, eyes wide and voidless. Mitsuko went back to the car, looking at Kentaro with concern. "Kentaro, are you.."

"Ahh! Y-Yeah, im coming. Sorry.." Kentaro muttered as Mitsuko frowned. "Listen, if its too much for you..I understand if you wanna stay here in the-"

"No. I...I appreciate the concern, but..Im not gonna back down, otherwise everything ive learned..itll go to waste." Kentaro spoke determined. "I cant back away in fear, especially now."

Extraordinary Minds: Abysses UnknownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora