Chapter 30: Goodbye Perfection

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Making her way to Dantes Ultimate Lab, she reached the inside and stared on in shock. The room itself was similar to a backstage studio room, with countless vanities galore with makeup all perfectly placed together. In the corner of the room was a fuzzy pink chair, with a big cute and Purple Teddy Bear.

Neon Lights galore, and placed carefully around the room to give off a beautiful color. A runway going down the center of the room, as a means to model clothes. A closet on the left side of the room with countless dresses of all sizes, and color. From sparkling dresses, to Polka Dot, to just about any pattern or color a human could imagine.

"Oh damn!" Mayu said, shocked and amazed by the sight before her. "Dante..You wouldve loved this so much."

Luna could be seen by one of the vanities with Abbey, Aurora, and surprisingly. BeeBee.

"Now. Please understand Im not exactly..perfect at applying makeup like this, but I do hope you enjoy the end results." Luna spoke calmly.

"No problem, Luna! Heck, im sure im bound to love it as will the other girls!" Abbey said with a determined tone.

As those two were at it, Aurora and BeeBee were talking casually.

"Im just..So excited to finally dance with Kiryu tonight!" Aurora gleefully spoke, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Maybe youre a bit too excited.." BeeBee spoke, before turning her head.

"Though. I really only came because I was convinced. Plus..Hell, I guess this could be nice payback to Aiden for that nice gift he made me. Figured, I'll dance with the little guy if he has nobody."

"Well, doesnt he have Kaeo?" Aurora asked curiously as BeeBee shrugged.

"Given his Chemistry with the Groundskeeper dude, Im pretty sure those two are fated to dance. Not gonna lie, I could see it."

As Luna had seemed to finish, she asked quietly. "You..may open your eyes now."

Abbey opened her eyes, to see how she looked in the mirror as she gasped slightly. "Luna. Im amazed."

"Amazed?" Luna tilted her head in curiosity. "Do you mind explaining what..amazes you about all of it?"

"You did great with it, Luna!" Abbey said with a smile as Luna blushed. " be quite fair, its..thanks to you sitting by and learning with me ive come this far. Not many other girls tolerated me this long, and..most just. Called me a freak really."

"Well, if you ask me?" Abbey spoke. "Theyre wrong. Because youre an incredibly gifted girl who has a lot to learn about the world, and bit by bit youre learning!"

"..I...Thank you for the kind words." Luna said, giving off a small but noticable smile. "Anyways. Perhaps I can..continue? BeeBee?"

"Hmm? What, am I not cute enough already?" BeeBee asked.."ive got swirly cheeks and pretty blonde hair, and im a tiny ass bitch! How does that not scream cute?"

"Well, I just mean-" Luna was interrupted by BeeBee. "I get what you mean though. Im just sayin, I..think I look cute as is. If Aurora wants to go, she can. Mayu perhaps?"

"Ooo! Ooo! Ill go!" Aurora said gleefully, as she sat. Luna placing herself in front of Aurora. "Well alright. I must warn, dont expect..perfection of course, but I hope youll enjoy your look."

"Im sure I'll love it!" Aurora said, with the sweetest smile.

"If you say so. Alright, just hold still...and...I'll do my best." Luna softly spoke as she got to work. The others watching on, as Auroras look began to shine more and more with each stroke of the makeup brush.

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