Chapter 41: Running out of Time

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Mayu rushed her way to the Infirmary, as she got inside and witnessed before her. Oliver beside one of the beds, and Eppi laying in one. An Oxygen tank beside the bed, and a mask over Eppis mouth exhaling Oxygen into Eppi to keep him breathing.

"Hows Eppi doing?" Mayu asked, as Oliver sighed. "Better now thankfully, but..I refuse to leave his side. Im sorry for sounding selfish, I just-"

"Hey." Mayu spoke directly. "Youre not selfish for being worried about your best friend. Even im worried.."

"No, I..Im sorry for getting so emotional and letting myself break down like this." Oliver said, shaking still, and trying to keep it together.

"Oliver Milford Jones." Mayu spoke up. "Listen to me." Mayu took her hands and had Oliver look her in the eyes, as she went in for a hug. "You have..Nothing to apologize for. Just like youve told me..Its ok to cry when you need to."

"I know, I just.." Oliver wiped his eyes. "I just think back to that day, when I first found the little guy. Screaming and crying, or..In his case, loud squeaks as he does. His mother being shot directly in the face..All that gore, and..And the baby just crying out for help. I was just a kid, but I knew. I had to save the little guy, and hes been with me ever since, Mayu."

"I can see he means a lot to you, and you should know I support that. Youve known him for most of your childhood, and frankly..I dont blame you for considering the little guy first. Though, that begs the question..What do we do if someone else succumbs? If one of the animals-"

"Wait, the motive!" Oliver asked. "What was it?" Mayu felt her heart drop. "It...It was..Oxygen is depleting every hour and then being turned back on, so we form Hypoxia, aka Oxygen Inflammation. None of us are safe and at the 24 hour mark? Monotusk said we all die."

"Jesus Christ.." Oliver spoke with fear in his face, as he turned back to Eppi. "What the hell are we gonna do?"

"I.." Mayu stopped herself. "I dont know anymore..Im stuck, and..and I honestly dont know. In 24 hours, we all die..and honestly..I dont know what to do. Its like everything ive tried has been a wasted effort."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Oliver asked, as Mayu sighed. "No, I mean..Amelias right. Everyones right. Im too damn nice and considerate of everyone here, and thats been my downfall. Believing nobodys gonna kill as a self defense mechanism. Ive been lying to myself even more than I already do, and..Maybe thats whats been destroying me."

"...Mayu, have you ever considered that..Maybe youre just a good person deep down?" Oliver asked. "Sure, its..a bit naive to believe nobodys gonna snap eventually, but..The fact you put others before yourself. Sometimes you have to take time for yourself, and its not selfish to do so."

"You dont think.." Mayu asked, as Oliver sighed. "I think you should do a little request for me, ok? Take some time to yourself, and think things through. I know that..I wanna spend my last hours with Eppi, in case..something happens to the little guy. Who knows if theres even a way to save him, given whats happened?"

"I see." Mayu spoke up, as she stood. "Maybe..I could take some time to make some Plushes. I havent done so in awhile."

Oliver nodded. "That could be a good start. I'll see you in a couple hours?"

Mayu nodded. "Yep. Umm..Do at least text me via my tablet if something happens to Eppi, Ok?"

Oliver nodded and flashed a smile as Mayu left, walking toward her lab before she stopped. "Work on myself, huh? ....Maybe Kiryu could give me some advice on how to do so. Hes so independent, im sure hes an expert on this subject." Before she went however, Mayu grabbed some sewing supplies and carefully put them in her backpack.

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