Chapter 16: Questionable Discoveries

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Entering the Wildlife Lab, the group of 4 needed one good moment to process everything. Looking around, it looked similar to most wildlife sanctuaries. Multiple animals of separate kinds, in differing enclosures. Kangaroos, Cockatoo Birds, Porcupines, Hedgehogs, Mongooses, Squirrels, Raccoons, Skunks, Chameleons, Geese, Flamingos..

And surprisingly enough, an entire open enclosure for a Linx Cat. Within each enclosure for said animals, automatic feeders and different backgrounds were painted amongst the walls to help the animals feel at home. Including different play items, certain vegetation in each enclosure, and automatic water fountains.

Each animal having a chance to be with their own kind, and safe. Meanwhile, this only made Oliver question things as Aidens eyes lit up, wandering all around and admiring the animals around him. Some of the Geese in their Enclosures honking at Aiden, and making friendly sounds.

As Mayu looked around some, she took notice of how oddly satisfied and well taken care of the animals were. "Huh. It surprises me. Despite how the monster who locked us in here to kill each other...they really pamper the animals, don't they?"

"Back home, you'd never see such animals like this." Kaeo spoke. "Well, those...Bandit looking animals over there."

"Oh! Those are Raccoons! Raccoons to say the least can be playful and pretty curious, and especially love to dig around for trash. Seems here though, they get proper food which is nice to see." Oliver said. "Theyre also incredibly smart, and can adjust to people easily if raised amongst humans since opening their eyes.'s strange. They remind me of the Coons I had back home."

"You don't think that.." Mayu asked, as Oliver inspected closely. Getting the attention of the Raccoons in the enclosure. One of them peeking its head up, and looking directly at Eppi. Eppi making a squeak, and climbing down. Walking closely to the glass, staring and making more squeaks.

"Wait...Ricky?!" Oliver shouted, realizing the very coon that came up was one from back home. "That's..THATS RICKY!" Oliver explained.

"Ricky?" Aiden asked, looking to the Raccoon. "Is he one of your animal friends from back home?"

"Yes. He..He was one of my first rescues after Eppi." Oliver explained. "I found this little one all by itself, and it's Mama had abandoned it. Why..Why is Ricky here of all places?!"

"This only makes me worry.." Kaeo spoke. "What could this mean for my Family?! Or..or what possibly happened to them, what resources were taken from my island and home?!"

"D...Do you think if..they ravaged our homes? What happened to Kaori?!" Aiden asked nervously.

Mayu beginning to panic herself, as she began to ask herself the same thing. What of her cousins? Her mother even?

"Well, one things for sure." Oliver spoke. "This could just be something small for now. Maybe they did this as a means to scare us, but..we should keep a close eye and bring this up to the others."

As soon as Oliver said this, he noticed a new empty enclosure. A Koala enclosure, with a tree full of Eucalyptus just for Eppi. Leaving Eppi to make happy squeaks, and reach his paws out.

"Oh! Exactly what we were after!" Oliver said happily, as he walked inside the enclosure picking off leaves for Eppi to munch on.

Meanwhile, Mayu was looking around at the other animals. Taking in the moment to see just how well taken care of they were, and happened.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Aiden looking into a tall pet cage of some kind, similar to a Ferret cage. "Look!" Aiden said, bouncing up and down with Kaeo standing behind Aiden.

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