Chapter 26: Solice

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Mayu and Balhika made their way to Balhikas Ultimate Lab, as Mayus breathing was beginning to ease up. Eventually, they got inside and Mayu got a good look at the inside of Balhikas lab. All around the front area, was shelves of Candy of many kinds, placed about in specific spots. A counter toward the back with another room behind, assumingly where the magic of making Candy happens. Along the walls were long tubes lined up side by side filled with differing candies, with bins on counters filled with even more color oriented Candy.

"Ahh, Im sorry if the color is a bit much in this room." Balhika chuckled. "Even for me, its..quite bright and gives me a migraine sometimes." Mayu smiled. "Its all good. Kinda reminds me of back home actually.."

"Oh? Did you happen to have Candy shops around?" Balhika asked, as Mayu nodded. "As a special treat, id occasionally treat my cousins to a trip to a Candy store to pick out any sweets they wanted. Axel was always the most enthusiastic actually."

"I dont believe you ever told me about your cousins." Balhika spoke. "May I ask, what are they like?" Mayu tilted her head, confused by the sudden question. "Oh, well..I have three. Liam, Hunter, and Axel. Liam is the Lil Ultimate Mathematician, Hunter is the Lil Ultimate Explorer, and Axel is the Lil Ultimate Prankster."

Balhika proceeded to listen as Mayu continued. "Lets just say, between the three? Hunter and Axel would absolutely fit best as your customers. You give those two candy? Forget getting them to calm down! Heh. Those two combined together during Sugar Rushes were complete chaos."

"Ahh yes, Ive seen my fair share of Sugar Rushes in the field of Candy. However, ive also seen at times diabetic shock. Its why I always be sure to have an Emergency kit of Insulin Needles in my shop, and on me whenever possible!" Balhika exclaimed as Mayu looked with worry.

"Oh god, youve seen cases of Diabetic Shock?!" Mayu asked surprised, as Balhika nodded somberly. "First time I ever did. I tried everything to save the poor boy..Yet, he ended up in hospital, and I nearly lost everything due to that. Already lost an eye from the accident, now possibly my entire shop? I couldnt afford that. Hence..I decided to make sure every child comes with a parent to monitor their sugar intakes."

"Thats a rather sweet incentive!" Mayu said, as Balhika snickered. "Enough about myself though, why dont you tell me of your background some. You do Plush Making, correct? Any reason why? As ive always been told, dreamers must start with a dream in mind. A path to their goal, but obstacles to it to get there. I..certainly experienced more of that, than I could describe."

"Well.." Mayu rubbed the back of her neck. "If im completely honest..While I love my talent, I feel like..I had multiple other opportunities for other talents, but due to my mother causing me so much grief and worry over her consistent drunken shenanigans..Its stupid to say but. I never got the chance to hang with friends much. I never got a chance at much at all."

"I see. Weighed down by the issues of home. Im truly sorry to learn of this, Mayu." Balhika remorsefully said. "Now, on..more important matters. When I found you during your anxiety attack? Here. Take these."

Before Mayu could speak, Mayu was handed a Mini Gumball Machine with multiple gumballs inside. All of differing colors and flavors. "Any Allergies I should be aware of?" Balhika asked, as Mayu shook her head. "I have to ask, why the gumballs?"

"As Ive come to learn from my time of suffering with Anxiety, or when I need a means to focus when working and creating my masterpieces..I like to chew a piece of gum. It keeps me stimulated, and reminds me of moments I recall from long back when Ive chewed said brand of gum before." Balhika explained. "Its..Rather complicated, but I do hope it helps with your anxiety attacks for the future, Mayu."

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