Chapter 2: New Faces

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It felt like it had been only a minute or so, before Mayu woke up finally. Her head pounding from an intense stabbing pain. When she woke up, she felt almost as if she was back home, but...That didn't make sense. As she stood up, she looked around the room she was in. She appeared to be in a Queen Size bed, shaped like a Pin cushion of sorts. The floor beneath her being a carpeted beige color of sorts, with light pink walls, containing little mementos of things. Scattered about the room in each corner had multiple amounts of Plushes of all sizes.

"Ok...Where am I and how the hell did I get here?!" Mayu asked in a panic, as she searched around desperately for her suitcase. Eventually, she managed to find it beside the bed. As she found it, she began squeezing her stress ball bit by bit. Her heart racing at many miles an hour, as she was trying to stay calm. "Just...stay calm, Mayu. You'll figure this out."

Looking to her left, she saw a door wide open as she ran inside to see it was your average everyday bathroom, and very clean at that. A box of tampons sitting upon the toilet in case of emergency. Her toothbrush and some toothpaste carefully organized against the sink, with a hairbrush. She looked in confusion, wondering why the hell everything looked so nice, if in fact it's possible she was kidnapped.

That's when she noticed it. Right on the side of her neck, was a red dot of sorts. "What the hell?!" Mayu shouted. "So what I experienced was-"

The panic came back worse than ever, as Mayu was nearly struggling to breathe. Rushing to grab her stress ball, she began squeezing the life out of it to calm down, until she managed to find a normal pace of breathing.

"Ok...Just what the hell is going on?!"

Mayu asked herself this out loud, as she rummaged through her suitcase to notice clothing missing. She looked in what looked like an exit to the room, only to realize. A closet filled with all her clothes and more clothing she wasn't aware of, that fit her perfectly. Almost fitting with her Pastel Goth lifestyle.

Backing away in fear, a sudden knock came at the door.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" A boy with a proper tone asked from outside.

Mayu instantly froze up. That man who kidnapped her and somehow placed her here...Was he the one behind that door? No, that couldn't be it. He doesn't sound anything like her kidnapper...Or maybe this is a ruse.

Mayu grabbed the nearest pillow she could, walking to the door calmly. 'Maybe it's someone just as scared as you, Mayu. Maybe..You're just overanalyzing this.'

As Mayu inched closer, her thoughts raced more. 'Wait, why am I using a pillow to attack whoever's out there?! Am I starting a pillow fight or defending myself?! Ugh..It's the only-"


"If..theres someone in there, you're free to come out and tell me. I promise I'm an ally." The voice said.

'How many times have I heard this in the countless movies Hunter and Axel made me watch with them?!' Mayu thought. 'Though...Maybe hes telling the truth.' Taking a sigh, Mayu threw the pillow back over to the bed, and opened the door to find a boy around her age.

The boy seemed to have Pastel Green hair that was slightly messy. A white sleeveless shirt, and what looked to be traditional Japenese ceremonial pants. His face a little scruffy, with his eyes being green and his hair slightly long.

"Oh! My apologizes Ma'am." The boy spoke. "I assume you've just woken up as well?"

"Woken up as well? Are you saying that.." Mayu asked as she checked his neck. Just like her, a red dot on his neck similar to that of a needle being stabbed into it.

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