Intermission 4

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"Kioka." Daichi spoke. "You..feeling alright after what we saw inside?"

"..I...I dont know." Kioka muttered, gagging and taking deep breaths. "I wanna go home..I know we need to be strong and...and investigate so we get answers but.."

"Well, lets..try avoiding that room personally. For the rest of the time were here." Daichi spoke, as he walked back inside heading back to the childrens room.

Liam Akagi, Hunter Akagi, and Axel Akagi. "Whatever the hell happened to these three was clearly by the same man who raped and murdered Taeko." Daichi thought to himself. "When even the Ultimate Forensic Analyst is confused about this case? ...Thats worrying, but goddammit. If Aiko was here, itd be so much easier..But nah, lets simp over Katara 2.0's hourglass shaped body for a bit. That makes total sense."

"Dude, are you talking to yourself?" Riku could be heard asking, as Daichi went bright red from embarrassment. "You heard absolutely fucking nothing."

"Banter with siblings, and all? Shits perfectly normal man." Riku spoke. "That said, are you lookin around here a little more?"

Daichi shrugged. "Figured I should. Probably something here we were too terrified to even notice."

"Well, good point but uhmm..Kioka insisted to help so." Riku said, as he let Kioka run up and hug Daichi. Daichi becoming even more red in the face, unable to speak.

"Please...Get off me, Kioka. I polietly ask you get off me for the time being."

"Oops! Sorry! So..What are we lookin for?" Kioka asked, as Daichi got to the point. "If were gonna conclude where this girls cousins went? We need to find clues as to the perpetrator. I ran some of the evidence by Ciara and even she agrees..this case is strange."

"Define strange." Riku spoke. "I agree that its fucked up that Ms Akagi got...Ya know. Because seriously! Violate a woman and then beat her to death?! Did we get any info on the potential suspect?"

"Ciara mentioned the DNA came back as someone tied to some big organization. Potentially, the one who began your Killing Games." Daichi explained. "Big fuckin surprise, were dealing with an asshole with a god complex potentially planting evidence."

"But...Question." Kioka asked. "What if...Daisuke is the one who did this?"

"Hold on a damn minute." Daichi asked. "Repeat that again?"

"What if..Daisuke..did this?" Kioka asked, as Daichi felt a lightbulb go off in his head.

"Kioka, youre a goddamn genius." Daichi spoke up, before thinking. "Then again, we would need proof Daisuke somehow knew Taeko and had history with her.."

"So...Lemme get this right." Riku said. "We look around here for potential clues to how the hell Daisuke knew Taeko?"

"Exactly, or is your brain the size of a damn peanut to not catch onto that sooner?" Daichi bluntly asked.

"H-HEY!" Riku angrily shouted before composing himself. "Nonetheless, we could just get Mitsuko to help us out."

"Someone uhh..Call for me?" Mitsuko asked, coming into the room. "Because I kinda found something you guys need to see."

"You mean you found something other than the bone between Akiras legs?" Daichi remarked, as Mitsuko chuckled. "Ok, that was clever..But seriously. Look."

Mitsuko pulled out from behind him what appeared to be a journal of sorts.

"A Journal?" Riku asked. "Dont tell me, is this where you keep your stash of Akira?"

"....Oh my gosh, you've completely figured me out Riku." Mitsuko sarcastically spoke. "Totally keep a photo of Akira on me at all times, to remind myself what im fighting for."

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