Chapter 42: A Veil of Hooves

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"Abbey.." Luna muttered under her breath, approaching the corpse of the girl she fell in love with. Tears began to welt around her eyes. "Why..Why you?"

She took ahold of Abbeys hand as she felt the cold familiar feeling. Abbey was dead. Nothing would bring her back, and despite the girls feelings to the idea of death. She felt her heart sink at the thought.

"Luna, I.." Mayu spoke up, as Luna stared Daggers through Mayu. "Not. Now." She sighed. "Im..sorry, but..Please...I need time to..investigate and find out..why she died like this."

"I understand." Mayu softly spoke, as she stood seeing everyone else pile in.

"Who bit the-" Balhika asked before looking into the stalls with his eyes wide. "CHRIST."

"Abbey?!" Oliver shouted, looking on with a look of terror and disgust at the corpse.

"How could this be.." Leif asked, covering his face with his hands. "We werent even an hour into this motive and someone was that desperate to kill?!"

"Yes yes, one of you did decide to kill quite quickly!" Monotusk shouted with enthusiasm. "Truly, a beautiful sight! Now, shall we get to the files so we can begin our next-"

"One second." Balhika spoke up. "What of the Oxygen?"

"Oh that." Monotusk spoke before his face went blank. "Uhh..Crap, did I forget to stop the process of turning it off?"

"You said that if a murder did occur, the oxygen levels would stop depleting, did you not?" Balhika asked curiously.

"That I did." Monotusk spoke as he sighed, as the Oxygen depleted and came back.

"DAMN IT ALL." Monotusk sighed, disappearing as he normalized the Oxygen levels causing most of the people remaining to feel an immense amount of relief.

"There we go, we happy now dear students? Fantastic! Then lets begin with the File Distribution! The file shalt be uploaded personally to your tablets, as..Frankly, 1. Im too lazy to make my own files, and 2. Id rather not name the files after myself like an egotist. ...Oh wait. Already have! Ahaha!" Monotusk chuckled to himself before disappearing.

"If..I may suggest to start this investigation." Leif spoke up, as Luna turned to Leif. "Im. Investigating the-"

"But-But Luna youre so torn up!" Aiden spoke out of concern. "I..I know how much you want to find her Killer but.."

"And what if one of you who is her Killer, tries to hide or tamper with evidence?!" Luna shouted, as Amelia laughed.

"Look Princess, Abbey took my advice clearly. She killed herself, and now shes gone. Boo fucking hoo. What is there to tamper with here?"

"...I refuse to acknowledge your existence anymore." Luna coldly spoke, pushing Amelia aside very harshly and into one of the doors, before turning around. "I cant promise however, whichever one of you took her life this unfairly..You better pray to whatever god waits on the other side that Monotusk gets you before me."

"Refuse to acknowledge, my ass!" Amelia shouted, getting up. "Fucks sake, sorry that some here are so afraid of truth!"

"Amelia, explain to me just why youre so..Cruel?" Balhika asked, as Amelia shrugged. "Ehh, better to be alone than trust in people. Less ways to get hurt. Yet look at Abbey. Tried sooo hard to care for others, that look where it got here. Dead in a pile of Horse shit and bundles of Hay."

"OK AMELIA." Mayu stood and shouted. "FOR..FUCKING ONCE! ONCE! For..For five minutes. Could you just shut the fuck up...FOR FIVE MINUTES?!"

Taking a step back, Oliver rushed over to Mayu taking ahold of her hand. "Mayu, breathe." Mayu took deep breaths as she spoke. "Whoever doesnt care to investigate and not considering everyone elses lives..Then go away. Please. If youre going to help, by all means."

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