Chapter 12: Disbelief

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The entire room in those moments felt so grim and alone. Despite being surrounded by these remaining students she was supposed to trust, Mayu just couldn't process. Someone caved. Someone murdered, but why?

The sudden bullet of truth shooting through her brain. He's dead. Hiro Katzune is dead. Beginning to hyperventilate, she didn't hear the others gather in and either gasp or scream at the shock of everything.

"JESUS CHRIST!" BeeBee shouted. "It's only been a few hours and someone's already dead?!"

"Oh-Oh my god..." Dante said with shock in his eyes. Clearly shaken by what he saw.

"CRICKY, H-HIRO?!" Oliver shouted, completely shocked by the very sight before him. "You might wanna close your eyes, Eppi."

Eppi making distressed noises, as Kiryu snapped. "Would you take the filthy rodent out of here if he's just gonna scream? For gods sake...You're a complete nuisance."

Jasmine rolled her eyes at Kiryu, before walking forward herself to investigate as she sighed. "Not like this...Goddammit. Whomever did this, I hope you feel beyond ashamed of yourself for taking an innocent life."

"H-H-Hiro?!" Aiden spoke, scared half to death and trying to hold back his tears. "W-Why?! Why did someone here kill him?! Who did it?!"

"It's..Not like the Killer would come forth and confess like that I don't think." Trinity spoke through her nervousness. "Though, something here is mighty strange.."

"Whats so strange exactly?" Monotusk asked, appearing before everyone once more.

"God, where the hell did you come from, Dante's asshole?!" BeeBee shouted.

"Oh sweetie. I have standards. Don't worry." Dante chuckled, as BeeBee side eyed.

"So...Youre admitting you could sneak Monotusk up there?"

"All up to interpretation sweetie, but I ain't that loose." Dante chuckled hysterically, waving his folded fan at himself. "Now, what are you doing here again you sneaky little bastard?"

"Now that's no way to address your dear headmaster. I just wanted to congratulate you all on your first murder! What a surprise!" Monotusk exclaimed. "I'm sure you're all very enthusiastic to enter the next area of our lovely facility?"

"I-It's not that easy, is it?" Kaeo asked, with a worried tone.

"Of course not!" BeeBee snapped. "This little bastards probably hiding some twist! Well, out with it! What do we gotta do to get the next area open?! You let this crap pass, which just...ENRAGES me."

"BeeBee, maybe it's best to calm down there." Abbey spoke directly, as BeeBee loosened up. "Y-You're right. Sorry. I'm just...I'm just angry this happened."

"Well, if you'd let me speak." Monotusk cleared his throat. "One of you in this very room committed a murder, be it accidental or on purpose, and that's mighty wonderful! However, it's not that easy to kill and then escape...You have to get away with it."

"But...The Killer technically did." BeeBee said, with a resting bitch face of annoyance. "Nobody caught them and now we found the body. Does that mean we vote for who we think it is, and then we eject them?"

"E-Eject?" Amelia asked with a stutter. Holding her balance best she could, only to be held up best she could by Leif.

"Try not to push yourself right now, Amelia." Leif spoke directly, before looking back to Monotusk. "Tell us exactly what you're hiding."

"What exactly does...Getting away with it mean?" Aurora asked nervously.

"Clearly, the buffoon wants to make this game more interesting." Jasmine sighed. "This is disgusting seeing you get a thrill out of all this."

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