Intermission 2

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"Live...Live for me, Yumico."

"No. I refuse to-to leave this place without you!"

" dear. Thank you for these past few years I've known you. I'm proud..I was able to teach you the ways of not just Coffee, but you teaching me so much I was too sheltered to know.."


The loud intense cries of Yumico in those moments back during a traumatizing time haunting her once more. Snapping awake in her bed, she screamed loudly grabbing her head and sobbing openly for the first time in awhile. It had been so long since the dreams were so severe, they broke her enough..

Realizing where she was, she looked around her as she knew to do best after a nightmare. To remember where she was and it was just a bad dream. The steel metallic walls of the Submarine she was now riding in on an important mission with her remaining new friends and some new faces.

Laying in a rather decently comfortable bed, she began to miss the warm comfort of a new bedroom after her escape. The familiar feeling of feeling at home, instead of the hellscape that was once her home when her parents went missing.

Sitting up, Yumico rubbed the tears out of her eyes and looked over to the bedside table next to her. Multiple photos of herself and Barisuta together the rescue crew had gathered from the very facility she was rescued. Her and her parents when Yumico was just a child. Innocent, happy, and full of dreams.

'They say it gets easier in time..but does time really heal wounds like this? Or is it just a reminder to ourselves that with each passing second we're closer to death hitting us in the face?' Yumico thought to herself. 'I have a crew to protect. My friends...A close friend I'm proud to call my little Sister. Even if she is crazy sometimes..yet why am I so weak even now?'

Brushing it off, she heard a sudden knock at the door. Someone standing in the Doorframe. Lily Sugawara. The very girl who at first Yumico saw problems with, became one of the closest friends she could ask for.

"Hey. Heard some sobbing in here. How you holding up, Sis?" Lily asked.

"You heard all the screaming I assume?" Yumico asked. "I'm surprised you didn't come running."

"Well, I know sometimes you just need some time to breath. Specially after the stuff you saw back during that hell." Lily shrugged. "Plus, we had some trouble on deck."

"Trouble?" Yumico asked. "Also, I..gotta say I appreciate the fact of giving me some time to collect myself."

"Hey. Happens to the best of us." Lily spoke. "Now, that all said. How you feeling now? Need more time alone or? Wanna talk about it?"

"Well..It wouldn't hurt having the company of my favorite little sis around, would it?" Yumico asked, smirking some.

"I'm your only little sister, thus I'm the favorite automatically! So, HA!" Lily shouted.

As Yumico got up, she stretched and took some deep breaths to calm down. Before sighing, and exiting the room making her way to the deck. Before bumping into one of the new faces they had met. Aikotsu. Or as his friends called him, Aiko for short.

"Oh! Yumico, you're awake. How are you doing? The groups been worried about you." Aiko mentioned, as Yumico sighed. "I'm of course holding up best I can, I appreciate the concern. Anything important I missed during my nap?"

"Well, besides Lily getting in contact with Rikus side of things and their..20 minute bickering?" Aiko chuckled, as Yumico gave a side glare.

"Exactly what were you two arguing about that was so important?"

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