Amelia Mitzuki

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Name: Amelia Mitzuki
Age: 14
Ultimate: Conspiracy Theorist
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Song: Nowhere to Run by Stegosaurs Rex
Height: 5'7
Birthday: April 26th
Likes: Her inner voices
Hates: Everything 

Also known as the sister to the world famous Ultimate Psychologist Maeko Mitzuki, Amelia is the absolute polar opposite of her sister. She unfortunately inherited the same form of Dementia as her mother, and was placed in a holding cell and straight jacket for a majority of her life.

Amelia is someone who could care less for the world, and society itself. Anything society tries to give her, she's convinced it's going to kill her. She's convinced that literally anything she does, she's bound to die. From multiple tests done on her to figure out exactly what was wrong with her, they discovered something she adored. Coming up with conspiracy theories of all types. Vaccines are going to kill everyone. Modern Medicine is a lie. Society is all a shameful lie. However..what they didn't know was who the hell was convincing her of this.

The voices in her head. The only company she had in such a tiny and desolate place. Nothing but white all around, and only the sounds of her beating heart as her company. Other than the occasional visit from her sister who would check up on her, and attempt to try understanding Amelia better.

Eventually, at the age of 13. She was able to be released, but she heard very disturbing rumors. The rumors of a specific school. Hopes Peak Academy. The school that accepts students of all types with many talents, but what she didn't expect to hear..was certain students are never seen again. Thus, she went online on multiple forums, spreading the idea of..what if Ultimates are recruited by the government only to kill them off because society needs them no more, and theyre a burden on the taxpayers?

Shortly after posting this theory, Amelia got a letter in the mail after saying goodbye to her sister and her sister being accepted as the Ultimate Psychologist. Amelia was accepted as the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist. A new chance arose, and Amelia just knew..this was a perfect chance to expose everything to the world

However..what she didn't realize is that someone in the facility has outsmarted this girl, and is ready to rid of her when the time is right.

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