Chapter 47: Flashbacks

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"You...Youre starting to get your-" Mayu asked as Amelia hesitated.

"Yes." Amelia spoke, with her head to the side and an angry expression visible on her face. "I...Dont recall the face of the person who hurt me the way they did, but..I remember my childhood. My Mom..My Sister..Not like someone like you should be bothering to ask anyway, Ms Perfect Life."

"Amelia. I have far from the perfect life, especially now." Mayu sighed. "As Ive said, I did say and do a lotta things that may have been too far to you. It still doesnt excuse the crap you pulled."

"See?! You sound just like her!" Amelia angrily shouted. "Just..Like Sis did..but even then..She loved me when nobody else did.."

"Wait, im confused." Mayu stuttered. "So..Your Sister said and did things she regretted and-"

"No! Well..Yes, but no." Amelia groaned. "Truth was..She did sometimes seem prone due to stress from our Dad combined with her consistent research to cure our Moms dementia."

"Uhh.." Mayu thought to herself. "That cant be-"

"Thats why research exists, you idiot! Jeez, youre really full of stuffing in that tiny ass head of yours or something?!" Amelia snapped.

"Sorry! Sorry..Just. If you dont wanna tell me, thats fine. I get it." Mayu calmly said. "However, listen to me. Tell me what you wish, and I promise. I wont judge."

"You really are a Mary Sue, arent you? Its fucking gross..but..Its like what Maeko was." Amelia sadly spoke.

'Its like she completely forgot the reason we were here..but..Maybe this is what she wanted to talk about?' Mayu asked herself.

"I.." Amelia sighed. "I remember..I remember things from my childhood, that I havent looked back on for a long time. Mostly because..I fell down a fucking internet rabbit hole of gaming, watching anime..and reading stories I found online."

"Is there a reason you took to such things?" Mayu asked, as Amelia nodded. "Mhm. It..wasnt exactly until I reached about 9 years old though. When I was still a baby, the most vague thing I remember was...My mom doing bad things. Chasing Sis with a knife was the worst offender..or running my Dad over almost with the family car. She was always...cursing up a storm and yelling at us. Some days, she was sweet as ever..and the next..she didnt even know who we were. Convinced herself we were threats. Look where that got her."

Amelia sighed and stood, walking over to a table. "And..My talent is nothing but a complete lie I made for myself. Im actually the Ultimate Neet..though, that talents fucking LAME. So I gave myself a label of something more..badass to show people im smarter than they make me out to be. Because these goddamn shitforbrained higher ups decide to just..Call me some worthless Neet and act like im someone to underestimate?!"

Amelia began to shiver uncontrollably as she slammed her fists. "So why?! Why do you all have such amazing skills and get acknowledged for them, and yet here I am labeled as something worthless to this world?! Self projecting muchhh?! YEAH, MAYBE I AM, OR MAYBE I DONT WANNA LOOK AT THE VERY PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME FEEL INSIGNIFICANT!"

As Amelia shouted this, she pulled from underneath some papers..

A Gun.

"Woah woah WOAH WOAH WOAH, Amelia what are you doing?!" Mayu shouted, attempting to stand as Amelia aimed the gun at Mayu. Making her freeze up, as Amelia pointed the gun to herself.

"So go ahead! Tell me how alone I am again! Remind me, why dont you?! Remind me again WHAT A USELESS BITCH I AM! All I was doing was trying to survive for my own sake, figure out what the hell I was forgetting! Only to realize everything at once..Only to remember..Remember what..Those people..did to me.."

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