Chapter 10: Tension

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As Mayu made her ways back through the halls, she began to hear something that she somewhat expected..But. Not as bad as it was.

Kaeo was in a bit of a verbal fight with Kiryu, and they seemed to be throwing back and forth differing words. Kaeo trying to ease the tension, while Kiryu being himself...just rubbed salt in the wounds.

"Now listen here, Kiryu! Theres no reason for you to come out here and yell at Aiden because he's upset in a time of need! We're all on edge in our own ways, and frankly your negativity isn't helping anyone!" Kaeo spoke directly, as Kiryu scoffed.

"Then how about playing Babysitter better, and learn to manage the little brat?" Kiryu said.

"Kiryu, stop it! Would you just let it go and come back in?" Aurora asked, as Kiryu ignored her. "How about stay out of this and let me do what I need to do?"

"B-But what did I even do to you?!" Aiden asked through sobs. "I-I-"

Mayu could feel her heart breaking hearing Aiden sobbing, as she then decided to casually step in.

"Uhh...So what's going on here?" Mayu asked. "I heard some banter and wanted to make sure everything was-"

"Everything's fine, Emo Phase." Kiryu snarked, chuckling under his breath."

"Emo phase? Really? Is that the best insult you can make?" Mayu asked, with a tinge of anger to her voice.

"Oh? Does the little runaway girl have something better to say?" Kiryu said, as Mayu shrugged. "No, not really because why am I gonna waste my breath insulting you? Sorry you have some issues you need to work on, I empathize completely. However, when you project all that onto others, especially a child. That's where you'll have to deal with me."

"Projecting? Please." Kiryu laughed. "You're really reaching there, but whatever you say, you little bitch."

"KIRYU!" Aurora shouted, before backing down. "Ahh! I'm so sorry for that, but Kiryu stop being so rude!"

"It's all good, Aurora." Mayu said with a smile. "Just, next time he tries to say anything?"

"Mhm! I'll be sure to handle him, promise!" Aurora said, as Kiryu merely rolled his eyes. "Women. All the fuckin same. Thinking y'all can fix me."

'What's his problem?' Mayu thought to herself. "Then again...Maybe some sort of underlying trauma? It only makes sense, but..I barely think I'll ever be able to get through to him, even if I try spending time with him.'

Kaeo then walked over to Mayu, kneeling down to her. "Mayu, I thank you for being so brave and stepping in as you did. I am prepared to return the favor however I may-"

"O-Oh! Oh no, that's ok Kaeo!" Mayu nervously chuckled. "I completely appreciate the gesture, but please. It's ok, I can handle myself. I just couldn't stand seeing Kiryu being so rude to both you and Aiden like that."

"Ahh, I agree there." Kaeo said, as he stood up. Mayu looking over to Aiden, who was still shaking and had tears in his eyes. "So, what's going on with the little guy? Is he ok?"

"Uhm...Aiden. He had a bad dream." Kaeo spoke directly. "Something about..." Kaeo whispered into Mayus ear. "A man enveloped in F word."

"Y-You mean...Oh, I think I see what you mean." Mayu said. "So, how did all this happen? Like..What caused that bickering?"

"Well. I was walking through the dorms, because I was helping Leif and some of the others find a way out." Kaeo spoke directly. "When I was on my way back, I heard screaming and crying from Aidens room. He..was upset about something, so I went inside to help calm him, and of course...Kiryu decided to slam on the door, and..Tell Aiden shut up."

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