Chapter 40: Reconciling with a Friend

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Entering the Ultimate Lab, Mayu looked around for Leif but became surprised by all the lush and vivid detail of the garden itself. Real grass carefully placed and planted across the floor, with lush vegetation from Bamboo to Mini Trees

In a corner, a section of water with carefully placed rocks and different things of vegetation, with small trees about to take cover under, and relax. In the center of the room, a small traditional japenese house like structure, with a white table in the center and carefully placed cups and a kettle.

Looking around, Mayu found Leif in one of the corners meditating on what looked to be a meditation spot carefully decorated much like the rest of the room. An incense candle burning ever so slightly, with a very relaxing aura surrounding Mayu as she took in the smell.

"Ahh, Mayu." Leif spoke calmly. "Its good to see you. Are you..alone?"

"Mhm. I..figured Id come to check on you, since we havent gotten a chance to have a one on one conversation like this. I figure..Well, why not?" Mayu said, with a faint smile. Visible worry overtook her mind, as Leif noticed. "You seem troubled. Would you care for a cup of Green Tea?"

"G-Green Tea? Oh! Sure." Mayu said, as Leif stood walking over to the Structure in the center of the room. Sitting down, he poured two cups and handed one to Mayu who sat on the opposite side of the table.

As Leif took a sip, he spoke. "I figured, in case you fear I poisoned the tea..I should do this. To show you can trust me."

"Well, its not like I already couldnt." Mayu chuckled to herself, as she drank the tea. Rather surprised by the wonderful taste. "Wow. Usually most Green Tea I drink is so bland, but..This tastes really good!"

"Well, I am quite the perfectionist in a lot of the things I do as im sure you know." Leif spoke directly. "I especially enjoy a cup of this when my mind is Plaqued by dark thoughts and repressed emotions. Its therapeutic for me especially."

"By..Dark thoughts, do you mean-" Mayu stopped as Leif spoke. "My Anxiety and depression? Yes. His kindness and will to keep fighting despite his inner demons. Made me wish I could be quite as strong as Kaeo is, but with how much this place is dwindling with my feelings and sanity itself.."

"Leif.." Mayu spoke up, as Leif sighed. "Ive found myself reflecting on Kaeos death actually. All of last night, where..I kept wondering. Why wasnt it me?"

"Why wasnt it- Leif, do you hear yourself right now?" Mayu asked in a concerned tone. "Nobody shouldve died! Not Hiro, or anyone else up to this point! Its cruel, and its not your fault this happened!"

"Thats not the point though. You are completely right in saying that, I cant deny that. Nobody here deserved to die whatsoever. However..That doesnt change the fact that the immense guilt of losing Kaeo is eating away at me. Ive felt remorse with everyone else of course, but..Kaeo." Leif sighed. "Kaeo..Made me realize that not all of my life, I have to be this ideal man that I force myself to be."

"What do you mean?" Mayu asked, as Leif explained. "All my life, Ive had this mindset that everything I do must be perfect, or its worthless."

"Huh." Mayu said to herself. "You and I might be more alike than I realized."

"How do you mean?" Leif asked as Mayu explained. "Forced to be the perfect girl my entire life, that I lose complete sight of who I am as a person, and to where socially some parts of myself arent fully there. Like..How to communicate with others effectively, rational thought in serious situations.."

"For me, its..Quite the opposite. Well, socially I can do well." Leif spoke. "However, when it comes to tasks or daily life itself..Im rather a strict have to be doing things perfect or I completely shutdown."

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