Chapter 46: Suspicious

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As Mayu made her way out of the Daycare area, she stepped aside to think for just a minute. Trying desperately to gather her thoughts, as she opened up her tablet. "So..Meat Room, Tea Party Room..Mastermind Room..Do I even wanna know about the Meat Room?!"

Mayu sighed to herself.."I suppose a peek wont do much harm." Making her way to the supposed Meat Room, she was now standing in front of what looked like a giant Freezer door, still partially open. The cold breeze flowing out of the room, hitting Mayu with an intense chill.

"Dammit, a coat wouldve been nice at least!" Mayu angrily spoke, as she opened the door and took a look inside. As she took sight before her, she noticed..something extremely disturbing.

Hung on different hooks in the room, corpses of multiple adults about with their skin and muscle completely removed in parts with organs removed in the process. Mayu took note of all the adults not exactly recognizing most of them...


There was one she recognized too well. A fresh corpse. One that Mayu would never be able to cleanse from her mind, no matter how she tried to do it.

Taekos corpse.

"...Noted, the Mastermind is also a fucking filthy graverobber." Mayu angrily spoke to herself. Trying to compose herself from vomiting, she took deep breaths. "Deep..deep..AHHH!"

Mayu slumped over again, clenching her stomach. "FUCK..Why does my stomach hurt this much?!"

Almost like being stabbed directly in the stomach, Mayu tried to compose herself and clear her mind. Ignoring the increasing stabbing like pains, as she groaned.

"Is it the stress?! Or...Is it something im not seeing?" Mayu asked herself. "I mean...Maybe its the stress. So much has been going on but.."

She tried again to take deep breaths, looking up as..

Taeko was gone. In her place, a corpse of an adult male as she tilted her head in confusion. "I...Im losing it arent I? Yeah, the..the stress is just getting to me.."

Mayu then huddled her way out of the meat room. Clenching her teeth, she slowly made her way back to the Dining Hall. Getting there, the group was waiting.

"Oh, did Princess finally stop having her time of the month?" Amelia snarked, as Kiryu glared down Amelia. "Must you make such vulgar jokes at times like this?"

"For Amelia? Yes, because she wants the attention her parents failed to give her." Balhika spoke directly, sighing.

"I was literally teasing, my god youre brutal." Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Brutal or just honest? Perhaps both?" Balhika smirked. "Im sweet yet can be sour after all, like delicious Candy. Particularly like Sour Patch-"

"We need to discuss who the Mastermind is." Mayu spoke up, as Luna tilted her head. "Rather direct, but do you mind explaining why?"

"The Daycare. Leif, Aiden, and I found some..horrific discoveries." Mayu said, trying to compose herself.

"U-Umm..I can help explain!" Aiden spoke up. "So, we-we found an abandoned decrepit was full of dead bodies of children and..and some of the chests were filled with skeletal remains. It was like...A Daycare with..with scary drawings everywhere."

"Scary drawings?" Balhika asked curiously, clearly showing signs of repressed anger. "Regarding the dead children though..God, its disgusting to imagine.."

"It truly was a disgusting sight, however...they mentioned a tall man." Leif spoke up, as Luna asked.

"By tall man, we can presume someone here if the Mastermind really is one of us, correct?"

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