Chapter 37: Drowning in Despair

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Standing in what felt like a corridor Mayu hadnt explored, she looked around. This was just a dream..It was just a dream, yet felt so real. The echoing voices of dead acquaintances calling out to her, floating outside in the waves of the water. Walking forward, Mayu trudged terrified for what was waiting at the end of the hall.

Seeing everyone she failed in the corner of her vision, Hiro..Jasmine..Dante..Trinity..And now Aurora, Kaeo, and BeeBee. Feeling her stomach curl, she rushed forward to the door on the other side. Attempting to bust it open, she made it in only to be in a dark corridor with no light.

"You're back again, arent you?" A voice called out, as Mayu clenched her fists. "This is just a dream..Youre nothing but my guilt speaking to me and trying to drag me down more."

"Oh? Am I?" The voice called out, stepping forward as Mayu gasped. Taeko, but now her head was bloody and bashed in. Her clothes torn apart in both the upper and lower area, revealing lacerations all across her body. "What a goddamn mistake you are. If I had just stuck to drinking and not agreed to driving you to your new school..I'd still be alive. We could start over sweetie..But now its too late."

"Oh, but we can Mommy!" A little girls voice echoed, as Mayus blood ran cold. She turned around, to see another version of herself, but..dressed so perfectly. Acting so perfectly, as she skipped over to Taeko. "Im sorry Mother, Ive been such a bad girl. I promise though, you can beat me as much as you want and berate me like im nothing! I wont say a thing, and itll mean you can stay around forever!"

"W-What the hell is this?!" Mayu shouted.

The other Mayu looked over to Mayu and tilted her head. "Wowie! Another me? Jee, you seem like someone who tries to think for themselves too much, and look where that got you! You should try reserving to just yourself, and doing as youre told! Lot better results that way!"

"Bullshit! The first time I think for myself, and Ive had good experiences unlike the hell I dealt with back home!" Mayu angrily shouted, as the other hers smile...turned to a frown.

"Is that so? Then why dont you explain this?" The other Mayu asked, snapping her fingers as 3 boys came from the floor and grabbed at Mayus legs. Their faces pale, and eyes milky white. "Big Sis..Mayu...Why did you leave us with her?"

"W-what the fuck?!" Mayu shouted, panicked as the other her spoke. "See? If you had just remained the perfect pushover girl who stayed home tending to Mommy, and endured allll the hurt and pain, it wouldnt be as bad as the overbearing guilt of inadvertently killing all the potential friends you made!"

"Shut up! Who the hell are you?!" Mayu shouted in rage, as the manifestation of her cousins pulled her down harder. Clawing into her skin, with blood trickling down her legs and upper body. Her screams echoing through her ears, as pain shot through her body at an agonizing rate.

"Im you, dumbass." The other Mayu spoke. "Or rather..Im your emotions and repressed thoughts that you keep running from like a little coward. Here. Why dont I just personally show you?"

The three boys dragged Mayu down, wrapping their small hands around her mouth to keep her screams silent as she was suddenly floating in a body of water. Looking around desperately, she swam holding her breath best she could. Echoing voices ringing around her of the experiences she made in the Killing Game, as with each one..a new corpse floated near her. Staring directly into her.


"I thought I could confide in you, but it seems all you were was a pathetic excuse."

"Gurl...You truly aint no damn queen."

"I confided in you with the hardest pain Ive endured..and still, you condemned me all to save your own skin."

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