Chapter 7: Limited Space

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Not much sleep was had that night. Tossing and turning, Mayu found herself having an anxiety attack almost every other hour, snapping awake drenched in sweat and worry. She consistently kept worrying for what was to unfold next, fearing the worst of every situation and outcome. Till eventually, she woke up.

To the sound of an announcement and an all too familiar voice unfortunately.

"Good morning students. It is now 7 am, and time to begin your new lives in this absolutely marvelous Killing Game. Up and at em, children." Monotusk spoke with a very peculiar tone.

Groaning, and screaming once more into a pillow, Mayu got up. Stretching and taking deep breaths to try and calm down. As she stood, she took a moment to self talk. "Alright Mayu. Things are looking a bit...Well, horrifying to be fair. However, it's not gonna help sitting here and thinking 1000 different ways things can go wrong."

Mayu took a deep breath, and got ready for the day. Looking to a closet in her room, she opened it to find replicas of the exact same Pastel Goth outfit over and over.

"Ok, that's...Totally not creepy." Mayu said to herself. Taking one outfit out, she skimmed it over.

A Purple Dress, with a sky blue sash in the torso area and a black undershirt. Pink and Black leggings, with one going all the way up the left leg, and halfway up the right. Black boots with Pink undersides, and a pink teddy bear head around the ankle area on each boot.

"Hmm. Well they got my style down!" Mayu said to herself cheerfully. "Rather weird actually, given this is a hostage situation..Right?"

Taking a moment, Mayu then decided to do her hair quickly before grabbing the tablet by her bedside. Opening it up, she found on her screen an ID card of sorts with all her information.

"Ok, that's...a bit unsettling." She muttered before noticing in one of the information bars. Her name was listed, Age, Ultimate, Height, Birthday, and...

"CHEST SIZE?!" Mayu asked in both shock and anger. "Who's the pervert who made this?!"

Groaning in anger, she took a deep breath. "Ok Mayu. Calm down."

A knock suddenly happened at her door, as she snapped back to reality. "Oh, I'm coming!! One minute!" Mayu said, as she got everything together and went to the door. Opening it to see Leif standing in the doorway.

"Oh, Good Morning Mayu!" Leif said with a polite tone, as he got one good look at Mayu. "I assume you slept alright last night?"

"Define alright." Mayu sarcastically said, as she chuckled. "Hardly..I've been tossing and turning all night from anxiety getting the better of me. How about you? You doing alright?"

"Well, I can say this Killing each other talk does have me extremely concerned." Leif spoke up. "As for the others, I think some of them are awake while..Some are taking their time to prepare. Dante and Trinity for example."

"BITCH, DID YOU STEAL MY CORAL BLUE LIPSTICK?!" Dante could be heard shouting down the hall, throwing a pillow across the hall at another door.

Amelia peeked her head out from her dorm room, shouting. "ITS PROBABLY 20 FT UP YOUR ASS, LIKE THAT PLASTIC TOY OF YOURS!"

"And i- OOP." Dante said, as he turned to Amelia. "I beg your pretty little pardon, what did you just have the audacity to say to me?"

"I said it's probably 20 feet up your ass! You're the expert of shoving stuff up there, aren't you?" Amelia snarked, before coming out her room and heading toward the Dining Hall.

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