Chapter 28: A Motive Approaches

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After a long day of everyone doing their own things together, everyone had gathered in the Dining Hall for a meal together and to discuss Lunas findings some more.

"Thank you for arriving, everyone." Luna spoke directly. "Even if some here id...Rather not see whatsoever."

BeeBee smirked. "I think you mean one person, and that being Amelia."

"Excuse me, IM RIGHT HERE!" Amelia snapped, as BeeBee snickered, preparing her tea. "Maybe if you werent such a hypocritical bitch, we'd notice you more..but hey, seems youre taking to your labels well."

"So, are we gonna ease the tension or is it gonna rise faster than Dantes privates around Kaeo?" Balhika jokingly said, as Kaeo immediately turned red, while BeeBee stopped dead in her tracks. "Reallll fuckin smooth there, really.."

"W-When did Dante ever-" Kaeo asked, still red in the face as BeeBee snickered. "It was always kinda obvious" she then twirled the Honey Stick in her hands into her tea, as she then took a sip. "But thats none of my business."

"Moving on from that." Luna spoke directly. "I believe we should discuss this Humanitys Last Hope group. I know its a rather..sensitive topic for someone here, but is it not crucial we discuss our possible kidnappers?"

"Youre not wrong there, but what have you found out?" Leif asked, as Luna placed the documents down and the papers she found. "I found these. Documents of some sort of Prototype copycat of one of the participants of the first game, Akira Odashi. All apparently constructed as a means of backup for their first Mastermind of their game. Raidon Ishida. One of the worlds most acclaimed Engineers who was presumed dead years ago, when his mother rolled into a lake with him inside the car."

"Jesus Christ.." Oliver said out loud. "So, you say there was a Prototype of this Akira..but whats that mean?"

"A copycat." Abbey spoke up. "Some sort of replica of sorts youd see in a video game, but perfected to be as human as possible and their mindset being the polar opposite of said person, according to the documents."

"This all feels like something out of an anime.." Mayu said, as Kiryu grunted. "It sounds ridiculous, but not out of the range of possibilities. Especially if someone is well advanced in the field of science."

"But...I dont think their game had an Ultimate Scientist." Aurora spoke. "Who did they have?"

"Great question." Luna spoke, as she took out a document and passed it to Amelia. "This Ultimate Psychologist, Maeko Mitzuki? Ring a bell, Amelia?"

"Mitzuki?" Kaeo asked. "Wouldnt that imply you have a sister, Amelia?" BeeBee made a fake gasp, as she said. "Gee, I wonder how Big Sis would feel knowing her precious little sister IS AN INADVERTENT SERIAL KILLER!"

Amelia tilted her head in confusion. "Who, her? Doesnt ring a bell..She looks like a complete fucking nerd compared to me anyways."

BeeBee rolled her eyes. "A nerd id prefer to have around instead of you. Least she could be good for helping most of us through this trauma of the Killing Game."

"Its better youre honest with us, given your track record Amelia." Leif said bluntly, as Kiryu spoke up. "Pushing such a useless girl like her for answers will get us nowhere. Even if you harmed her in some way, shes too resilient to say a word."

"Ok, uhm.." Aiden spoke up "So...Who else did they have there?" Luna began to look through. "Gamer..Marine Biologist...Botanist...Ex Opera Singer..Competitive Eater...Dog Trainer.."

"Pretty convenient how they put the Marine Biologist IN THE UNDERGROUND GAME!" BeeBee laughed. "Ahh, of fucking course..I only presume whoever is behind our game thought ahead with these technicalities."

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