Aiden Price

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Name: Aiden Price
Age: 14
Ultimate: Toymaker
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Height: 5'7
Birthday: October 26th
Likes: Sweets, Friends
Hates: Fire, Bullies

[A/N: TRIGGER WARNING. Cancer, Hallucinations, Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts are mentioned! Also, Aiden has something called Age Regression. Any nasty comments regarding that part of him will be deleted, so don't be a dick.]

Aiden is a troubled soul, who had an extremely traumatizing childhood. Be it his fault as society claims, or the people who never bothered to care for him or show him how to be a person. It wasn't always like that however..there was once hope in his life, and..there grew to be in time.

Aiden was born into a broken family. It was just him and his mother. His mother was an accountant by day, and a toymaker by night. Ever since she was little, she'd make toys for herself and in time, for the son she was soon to have. It was the perfect life, with or without a father there Aiden reminded himself. He was happy. He didn't have a care in the world..and his mother couldn't have asked for a more perfect son to call hers.

Despite the bullying as well Aiden received in school for being different and a mommas boy, he met a new friend. A rather..large yet gentle giant boy named Kaori. Everything seemed like it was going amazingly. A great best friend, a loving mom..what could possibly go wrong?

Everything...Went wrong for Aiden at the age of 7.

Around this point, Aiden got horrible news. His mom was diagnosed with Kahlers Disease, or otherwise known as Myeloma. This was slowly eating his mother away, and by the days..Aiden tried to remain happy for his mother. To make sure she didn't fall even more ill and leave him when he needed her most. The night of her death..she had made Aiden a special toy train, that she told him to keep close. To be just like a conductor, and ride that train to the end of the tunnel that'd be his life journey.

Because she was looking like she was getting worse..He wanted to somehow help her feel better. What better way than a bowl of soup, as thats always what she did for him when he was sick. However..what he didn't realize is there was a gas leak. Due to this, his mother with the last bit of strength she had, tried to get him out of the house and while she did..the house set ablaze, and his mother barely having any energy left..Burned alive and died in that fire.

Leaving Aiden a completely broken mess.

Aiden was thankfully taken in by Kaori and his mother, however..what followed was horrible night terrors night after night of the "Fireman" as Aiden called him. A man set ablaze, screaming in pain..His eyes pulsing out of his head in what looked like absolute fear. Everytime Aiden closed his eyes, he'd hear that scream..and see the man running at him screaming "It's all your fault" over and over. With a good support system of his best friend and his new momma, even then..He was still a scared and lonely child, which led to him becoming developmentally stunted and age regressing to the age of 5 to feel better.

However. There was still great hope for Aiden. While his best friend pursued Baking, Aiden..wanted to try something else. In honor of the woman who shaped him into the person he was. His mother. He remembered the Toy Train that he held close to him every night, and decided. He wanted to be just like his mom. Making toys and helping other children smile so that he could have even more reason to put on a smile for those around him. Thus, he got into toy making. From little wooden trains, to full Mecha Action Figures. Eventually, Kaori got accepted to Success Granted High School and said his goodbyes to Aiden, promising to come home soon. Shortly after however, Aiden received a similar note. A full acceptance letter into another Academy. Extraordinary Minds Academy. Where Aiden would fulfill the hopes to create even more toys, and spread more joy to many kids around him.

However..What Aiden didn't realize was the game he was entering, where he would potentially be forced to relive some very painful memories he no longer wished to remember.

(A/N: I should clarify Kaori belongs to AmberRose771 , I was given permission to reference said characters from the Chemistry Killing Games, better known as Chem Lab series. Be sure to go check the series out in its entirety as it's amazing!)

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