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A Queen of thirty was overlooking her dear kingdom as the King with his two knights left to deal with a very aggressive group of 'players' to the other 'players' making her to sigh as she rubs her heavily pregnant belly really as she looks out the window to her kingdom really.

"Got word, my Queen that the King and his two knights will be coming back in two hours." A knight told her as she nods and went to change to be there to welcome them back. She was wearing a lovely dress making many to fully claim she's the most beautiful woman there is in the kingdom.

The King blushed as he saw her making many to chuckle while his knight can't hold in their laughter while the other one is hugging the Queen, his onee-sama making her to hug him which made the King pout as that's not fair since she ways does this ...

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The King blushed as he saw her making many to chuckle while his knight can't hold in their laughter while the other one is hugging the Queen, his onee-sama making her to hug him which made the King pout as that's not fair since she ways does this really to him.

"Ha! You should know better than! Never leave her alone for too long now, Nosaka." The Queen's knight said as the other is busy training the recruits back at the training grounds. The King, Nosaka sighs as he does agree on that one really making her to laugh at them both.

"I heard he's back and then heard he left our Queen alone? That's a bad husband for ya'll even if he warned her about it really." Everyone saw a Demonic Lord show up as he looked ticked about something.

"What happened?"

"Ugh, I'm now the King of Hell since the old one and his wife got killed in a civil war. I'm quadruple the power, strength and speed for a normal Demonic Lord and now that's doubled really. Your my Queen now and I need your full permission and approval for it, Aoki."

"I see... I can see that there is no other Demonic Lord who's more stronger than yourself and your the most powerful one there is, so I don't mind it really. Just wait until Nosaka's heir is born with two years apart to make it fairer. O.K., Haizaki?" He agrees to it.

Nosaka went back to his palace and dealt with the paperwork that Aoki was doing for him with some she never got to making him to smile cause she cares for their people and got new ideas making him to smile at the town as it has expanded a lot thanks to her.

"Papa!/Daddy!/Dad!/Father!" Six children shouted at the same time as Nosaka saw Naoki, Naomi, Natsuki, Noah, Shivam and Jareth running over to him as the last three have a mermaid tail as well, too making them to love swimming.

'But did our Noah learn to swim in the clouds really?' Nosaka things as he smiles at the six as they rach gave him a hug as they did get to see him this morning cause he had to leave to deal with a group of 'players' really.

"Sorry you couldn't see me this morning. I'll make it up to you this evening." They agreed as Hiroto shows up to bring them to Aoki who plans to teach them how to count money for their own adventures as the oldest three are going to leave on one in two weeks time.

"Don't worry, you three. When it's time, we'll tag along with you." They smiled as they didn't want to be left behind. Nosaka turns to his knight who was chuckling once they left.

"Guess they all want to go on an adventure like we all did before." Nosaka chuckles.

"Guess your right, Nishikage. How Norika?"

"Saginuma is with her right now. My eldest son is giving a hand with the birth while my youngest son is helping them out really which means we might have two new Druids for the kingdom really as Saginuma's eldest daughter is helping Aphrodite out.

This is his second child and we don't know if it's a boy or a girl really." Nishikage said as Nosaka nods his head. Aoki was talking a walk in the royal garden as it's two hours after she finished the lessons on money really as dear Haizaki found her there.

"Shall we go back inside, Aoki?" She nods as she was starting to get cold since it's winter time thanks to those three who made it this cold and beautiful this time a year. She did miss Earth, but the island made it the worst and misses her friends.

Haizaki, Norika, Hiroto, Hikaru, Nishikage, Nosaka, Saginuma, Kidou, Clairo, Haruno and Shinjiro  were worried during that time really as she keeps looking at the photographs in the album books she has really. Aphrodite was the only one to help her during that time really.

Aoki also had two Shrines made for both her and Hiroto to have while underwater is a Shrine making her to love it as she can go and pray there on every other day making it to be perfect. Hikaru and Froy had twenty children which is weird to Aoki.

'Not my problem.' Aoki thinks as she never though that Clairo and Aphrodite got together really and Aphrodite had octuplets making Aoki to keep saying over and over 'Not my problem.' which was fully correct as she avoids other's own problems as not her's.

'May I miss my friends, I would never trade this for the world really. Mom, I hope you're proud of me and is happy of thr woman I have became.' Aoki thinks as she looks up into the sky and saw a cloud turn into her mom.

She was smiling and nods to her before vanishing making Aoki to smile before she walks into the palace and smiles at her children as she can't wait for her seventh one, her biological child comes into this world really as she can't wait to hold them and love them really.

'I love my life and would protect it for the rest of my life.'

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