Chapter 2

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"Man~ Princess Lunaria sure was a beauty, wasn't she?"

"Not to mention so prim and proper... as expected of a princess."

"Did you see her tail? I really want to touch them just once."

"Prepare to have your head chopped off then."

Kaze was currently in his classroom, waiting for lessons to begin. Even though it was only the first day, students were already excited about the new addition to the school, namely Lunaria.

Lunaria's presence on stage perfectly captured everyone's eyes and ears, showing off what it meant to be a princess. Even though it was expected that she might receive some special treatment from the school as a guest of the nation, she still wore her uniform attire properly and spoke with respect to her peers. While it might not seem like it, she was actually older than most of the people in school as dragonkins live much longer than humans. As such, it was actually a weird concept of respect that should be shown in reverse.

"I wonder what class she will be in," Kaze mumbled to himself, fiddling with his pencil as he didn't know how the princess would react should she see him again.

"Lunaria-hime will not be with us, that's for sure," a voice came from behind Kaze to answer his supposedly rhetorical question, capturing his attention.

Turning around, Kaze was met with the familiar smile. It turned out to be from the guy who sat behind him in the hall earlier, who happened to have overheard Kaze.

"I-It's Yuuji-sama!" One of the students in class cried out when they saw him, causing another wave of commotion to erupt in class.

"Thank god! We get to be same classes with a royalty too!" Another person sighed in relief. "Even though we didn't get Lunaria-hime."

"Wait... you are this country's prince?" Kaze asked the same person who spoke to him, feeling a little absurd by the situation he was in.

"Indeed, I am," Yuuji pushed his fringe backwards, scattering his blonde hair messily over the side of his face. "Pleased to be your acquaintance."

Instantly, Yuuji got surrounded by classmates who were enthusiastic to have the first prince of Czech, who was of same age as they were, to be studying with them. While it was heard from the palace long ago that an heir was produced, nobody really saw the first prince until he made an appearance in public during one of the major festivals. With blonde hair akin to his Majesty alongside the slender physique that resembled her Majesty, there was no one in the capital who wouldn't recognise the Royal Highness Yuuji Thros Bivel, first in line to the position of the King.

There was no prior notice to the student body that the prince would be studying in the Institute in the first place, so it was no wonder that not many people recognised the rarely seen-in-public prince when he first arrived. It was only until he spoke that the others caught on quickly, for his voice had a tone that reminded people of someone in command. It wasn't that much alike with the King, but it certainly had the same speech pattern due to him being raised up in the palace for most of his life.

"Yuuji-sama, why are you studying here with us?" One noble's son asked the prince. "Was it His Majesty's desires?"

"Well, it was actually more of my mother's decision, since she said this would allow me to get closer with the public and forge a relationship," Yuuji simply answered with honesty. "It is no secret that I rarely get to interact with people of the city, so starting in school would be a good approach."

Yuuji was about to be bombarded with more questions if not for the teacher entering the class. This caused the students to scatter back to their desks, leaving Yuuji to occupy the seat next to Kaze.

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