Chapter 5

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"I'm sorry."

Lunaria was greeted with the sight of Kaze bowing deeply in front of her the next morning.

Upon arrival at school, she was surprised to find Kaze already standing there and waiting for her. At first, Lunaria thought that perhaps Kaze wanted to thank her once more for what she gave him the day before, and instead got confused when he suddenly bowed and apologised to her.

"W-What's wrong Kaze?" Lunaria asked, finding the situation a little awkward since they could be seen by the other students entering the school. "Do you want to change location? It's a bit..."

"Ah, yes please, if it is making you uncomfortable," Kaze immediately agreed, not wanting to disagree with Lunaria.

Once the duo had moved on to a more secluded place within the school compound, Kaze proceeded to explain the findings of the night before. He started off with words of gratitude, as Lunaria had expected, then moved on to show her the pair of panties he found inside of the same package. Lunaria felt a little surprised by this, but mainly very embarrassed since she had indeed misplaced the panties in the wrong package.

".... And with that, I am sorry!" Kaze apologised once more, handing out the panties with both hands. "I swear I did not do anything to them. I only kept them aside and waited to hand them back to you."

"It's not your fault, I was the one who was careless," Lunaria quickly took it away from his hand and hid it in her dimension storage. "And I trust you, don't worry. Let me make it up to you by treating you lunch."

"You don't have to do that princess, I mean, Lunaria," Kaze fumbled with his words. "It is already an honour that you bought so many things for me."

"One thing you should know about Lunaria is that she won't give in," Shoko, who had been leaning against the wall this whole time as she watched them, spoke up with a sigh. "Just accept it, Kaze. The sooner you do, the better off you will be in the future."

At her words, Kaze finally caved in even though he felt bad about accepting her offer. It was almost as though the recent situations had made Kaze felt special in a way that Lunaria was being cordial to him.

Lunaria made a bright smile at this, feeling thankful her friend helped her to give Kaze a push. Pulling Kaze along with her, they made their way back to class. Since Lunaria was holding onto his hand as she pulled him along, weird stares were given to the two by students all the way until Lunaria had brought Kaze back to his classroom. By right, it should have been the opposite but the ever-insistent Lunaria made clear that he was to follow her instead.

"Woah, what was that about?" Yuuji asked Kaze with a smirk as Kaze made his way back to his seat while hanging his head in shame. "You should have seen the smile on Lunaria's face as she waved you off."

"I don't want to hear that from you..." Kaze slumped onto his desk and sighed in exhaustion. "I couldn't refuse her..."

"I'm sure you could, you just chose not to," Yuuji slapped Kaze on the back and laughed out loud. "I can't imagine anyone rejecting what Lunaria has to request of them anyway, you can't deny she is a beauty."

"Hm, I thought you have a fiancé?" Kaze tilted his head towards Yuuji. "Does she know about this?"

"About me thinking Lunaria-hime is pretty? Of course," Yuuji smiled. "No one wouldn't know about Lunaria since the first week she came. No, it would be more appropriate to say the first day alone when she made her grand appearance."

"Who is your fiancé anyway?" Kaze asked, feeling a little curious now. "Does she not study here too?"

"Nah, she is currently being home-schooled," Yuuji shrugged it off with a light wave backwards. "I'm thinking of allowing her to start schooling soon too, but I'm going to have to make this request to father and mother to arrange a talk with her parents too. In case you were wondering, her name is Miavyusse Revya Arnau. I apologise for the strange long names that most of us in the capital possess though, I understand other places don't have such complicated names."

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