Chapter 92

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The third day at Leiscatie Academy was all about interclass activity. All five classes that had accommodated guests for the past 2 days gathered in the hall to receive a briefing for the upcoming activities arranged.

Due to it being an interclass activity, there wasn't the need to split into groups since they were competing between classes. While healthy competition was promoted, the real goal of the activity was to provide interactions with the other students and the national visitors. By splitting them into groups, it would only make getting to know people from different classes harder, which was why it was decided they would do it through events where forced interaction was made.

"Kaze, allow me to introduce you to one of our classmates," Yuuji pointed out during a social interaction event they had to break the ice. "This is Mary, a dragonkin whom you can consider has a similar status with Chris and Irene."

"Pleased to meet you, Kaze," Mary, a female dragonkin with blonde hair and sidetails politely greeted Kaze. "I have heard quite a bit about you from Yuuji here."

"W-What has he spoken about me?" Kaze's face twitched a little upon hearing that Mary knew Kaze through Yuuji, which could be problematic. "Surely nothing weird, I hope."

"Not really," Mary giggled at his words. "Other than being a good friend to him and our princesses, I respect you the way I would to any other person."

"I see, that's a relief. Yuuji is a great guy, but he can be an asshole at times," Kaze frankly spoke without a care that he was insulting the crown prince directly. "I feel at times he doesn't act like how a prince should, just like how your nation's princesses don't act high and mighty."

"Of course. In Aravel, being a princess or part of the royal family is a social status. Beyond that it's about putting the people as priority number one," Mary nodded with a proud smile. "We do have a Council where the Emperor discuss on how certain actions are executed and making important decisions with elected members. That helps to ease the process of introducing a new law when putting the nation in mind."

"Would you happen to be somewhat related to the Council?" Kaze asked. "I have a feeling that you aren't any ordinary dragonkin."

"Hehe, you're partially right. My father is an important Council member, so I learn a lot about how the system works from him," Mary explained as she gave him a thumbs up for his accurate guess. "I do have a goal of becoming a Council member in the future, or at least something related with governing the nation."

"Wow, good luck on that. I don't even know what I aspire to be in the future."

"I don't blame you, Kaze. Us dragonkins have lots of time to figure that out, unlike humans. I sympathise with that, especially knowing us dragonkins have the freedom to relax and do nothing for years before deciding on an occupation or an actual job. I heard from Yuuji how humans are in a constant race with one another to try and achieve something due to your short lifespan."

"Lunaria said the same thing too, about how she appreciates us making the most out of our time alive."

"Lunaria-hime did? I'm glad if that's the case. It shows that Lunaria-hime understands time relative to humans are much shorter compared to us... which is a shame that means we would eventually outlive our human friends."

Kaze's blood ran cold when he heard the last bit of Mary's words. It was true that humans die quicker than dragonkins by their natural lifespan, which made Kaze worried for Lunaria. If they truly got married in the future, would that mean Lunaria had already expected to live a full life ahead without him? Would she be able to live without him by her side when she was already so fragile? Was he simply overthinking a hypothetical question?

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