Chapter 83

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Minutes later, Kaze met with Lucentia inside of her room.

Compared to Lunaria, Lucentia looked to be the type who didn't mind a simple room with enough space. Since Lunaria had to go out of her way to add a bunch of extensions and features using magic, Kaze was used to being in a huge bedroom like hers. With Lucentia, she had what looked to be the bare minimum a princess could have in her room, the main difference being that she had a walk-in wardrobe due to the nature of her job.

"Are you sure I can wait in here with you?" Kaze asked, his back facing Lucentia. "I can always stand outside..."

"You're already sleeping and living in Lunaria-nee's room, I don't see why you can't enter mine," Lucentia commented, combing and adjusting her hair at the corner of the room where a mirror was. "Besides, it's not like I'm changing."

Sighing at her points, Kaze had nothing to counter them and simply sat silently. At the same time, he took the chance to admire Lucentia's room, with many things intriguing him. He could really tell how each princess were based on the design and style of their room, such as comparing Lunaria and Lucentia. Clearly, the two liked big beds but Lunaria was more of a housewife person, since she even had a mini kitchen in her room for cooking any time she wanted.

Kaze's eyes fell on her bookshelf. There were a few interesting reads on it, mainly about general knowledge and fiction. The thing that caught his eye was the fact there were a few books about modelling and photo albums. It was definitely correlated to her career, seeing that modelling and being an idol required keeping a certain profile level.

"I'm ready," Lucentia approached him from behind once she was done. "Let's go."

He turned around and immediately had his breath taken away. Usually, Lucentia was already charming enough with her silent beauty. Now that she had make up on along with other features like a fresh outfit and her hair tied in a complicated braid pattern, Lucentia had completely transformed. It wasn't like she had a heavy makeover, yet it was enough to change her image to one that exude confidence and pride.

"W-Wow..." Kaze widened his eyes and gulped nervously at her beauty. "You look... so different."

"Thank you," Lucentia made a rare smile at his comment. "Follow me, we will be leaving the palace."

"Eh? We have to go into town?" Kaze asked, not expecting that she would have to work away from the safety of the palace guards.

"Don't worry, it's not some suspicious business," Lucentia guessed what he was worried about and reassured him. "You'll see what I mean. Come on."

Kaze followed Lucentia out of the palace to where she wanted to go. It wasn't a long walk by any means, but he felt it that way since they were going to a different part of town that they hadn't been to during the 7 days in Aravel. Lucentia definitely knew where she was going, considering how far they were walking right now.

The whole time they walked there, Lucentia didn't say a word to him. It wasn't a sign of her being in a bad mood, rather it being her quiet nature showing. Lucentia wasn't like the others who talked normally, she chose when she wanted to speak and only when necessary. One would say that Lucentia was slightly more introverted compared to her sisters, but that wasn't necessarily the case.

"We're here," Lucentia pointed at the building ahead.

Just like Lunaea and Luniel's lab, the building wasn't as impressive from the outside. It was definitely just as big, being a double-storey large wooden house with minimum reinforcement of concrete and bricks around it. Entering it was a different story altogether. The usual security check with guards was present, the modern setting inside, the team that was already ready for Lucentia, everything exceeded his expectations.

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