Chapter 66

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Moving on from the few other basic frontliners and vanguards, the group were now introduced to the backline. In other words, the mages, archers, healers, supporters, etc.

"Just like before, there are differences to our backline composition compared to what you may be taught in school," Shiina said, leading them down an opposite path from where they were when visiting the Aravel dragonkin tankers. "For starters, we don't have archers. That role is left up to the mages."

"Wait. Without archers, how are you able to launch a quick, large-scale long-ranged attack?" Noel asked, feeling a little puzzled by this. "I can understand simply using mages, but the time delay between casting spells and launching arrows is huge. Not to mention that not everyone can last long with limited mana."

"Ah, that is exactly why we will show you what we have in place of archers," Bourek grinned, knowing that it was going to be mind-blowing for the group.

"Yuuji, are you taking any notes? This would undoubtedly be most helpful to Czech," Lunaria asked her friend, apparently not concerned that their friends would expose the nation's military tactics and composition.

"I would, but wouldn't this be exposing the secrets of your nation? Having the composition of your army revealed is equivalent to death..." Yuuji sweatdropped.

"Oh, were you expecting some sort of none-disclosure agreement or a memory wipe spell?" Reginsleif joked with the group and laughed. "Don't worry. The reason we are revealing our military might, other than to allow you humans to see for yourselves the difference between our nations, but also because we know for sure it would be beneficial for both our nations. Czech has always been a long-time partner to Aravel since your nation keeps purchasing weapons from us."

"It is no surprise that Aravel certainly produces better weapon quality than the normal human blacksmiths could, hence why it had always been kept as a secret, under-the-table sort of thing when it came to mass-producing weapons," Albert agreed with this fact. "However, I have never heard anything more detailed than Czech importing weapons from foreign nations."

"Well, you wouldn't, otherwise it would be considered a jeopardy of national security. It takes great trust to allow a foreign nation to supply one's own nation with weapons, considering that would mean allowing enemies to tamper with them or even analyse the composition of the army itself based on the number of weapons produced," Bourek explained to the group. "So the logical thing to do would be to not do it, with the exception of the Czech-Aravel Agreement."

"In exchange for having no humans enter the borders of Aravel, one of the agreements set out was that Aravel would supply a certain number of weapons per year, depending on the orders made and varied," Luniel smiled. "What's up with your expressions? Were you not taught about this?"

"Ah... well... Luniel," Laevia immediately held her daughter back. "You know, due to the contents of the Agreement itself and the sensitive nature of how it came to be, it was most likely censored from their education... I think."

".... Oh, so it was like that?" Luniel crossed her arms and sighed. "Mou, humans sure are petty."

To this, the group could only silently walk along. Not much was known about the Czech-Aravel Agreement, even for the few closely affiliated people among the group, mainly being that it was the reason that Czech still had ties with Aravel despite not being allowed to enter the nation under normal means. For it to be a law passed as a result of the ban, it was news to Kaze's group of friends.

At the same time, it also made Kaze feel conscious about standing next to Lunaria. He knew, based on what he was told and hinted, that Lunaria was a victim of what happened even if no one else in the group knew. As such, any mention or reminder of what caused the Agreement or even the current state of Aravel all fell on Lunaria's shoulder as a deadly reminder of the past. Even after so many decades, the aftermath and trauma were everlasting for her.

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