Chapter 73

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That night, Kaze was summoned to Laevia's room when he was cuddling with Lunaria after dinner.

"Ehh, again?"

"Sorry Lunaria, I will try to make it quick."

Kaze apologised to a pouting Lunaria, who reluctantly unravelled her hands around his body.

"Mou... mother just had to pick a time when we are relaxing."

"It can't be helped. Now that we are dating, we have to expect some sort of arrangement and frequent meetings to occur."

"Come back soon, okay?"

"Now you're overdramatizing it."

Leaving the room, Kaze followed an already waiting maid to where Laevia was waiting for him. As expected, he was led to one of the private quarters where the Emperor and Empress stayed within the palace. Ever since becoming Lunaria's boyfriend, Kaze was able to access these sorts of places more often, as Lunaria would often bring him around.

"Laevia-sama is already waiting inside."

"A-Alright. Thank you."

The maid left after guiding Kaze to the front of the bedroom door. With a light knock, Kaze entered and was greeted by the rulers.

"Sorry for intruding, Laevia-sama, Reginsleif-sama."

"It's fine. If anything, I'm the one that's sorry for calling you so late."

"Does there seem to be a problem?"

"Mm, my husband and I wanted to have a light chat with you. We are curious how your day has been with Lunaria."

Laevia gestured to a seat in front of him. With her husband sitting next to her opposing him, Laevia waited for Kaze to sit before speaking again.

"If you are thinking that this is going to be a daily thing where you deliver a report to us, please don't worry. While we might be asking for things from time to time, it won't be at such frequent intervals. So, how was Lunaria?"

"Um... her well-being is fine. She has opened up considerably."

"Ho? How so?"

With the Emperor following up his wife while stroking his beard, Kaze could tell that they were genuinely worried for their daughter but didn't want to directly ask her for her feelings out of consideration that they were being too pushy. Instead, getting the answers to their concerns directly from Kaze was a more feasible choice, since he would be honest, and they would get to learn more about Kaze too.

"Previously, when we weren't... lovers yet, she seemed much more reserved."

"Ah, are you talking about sex?"


"Hm, anything else?"

"She is still as pushy and cheerful as she was, but maybe more naturally than she was."

"That's a good sign. Dear, what do you think?"

Laevia smiled delightfully at Kaze's words and turned to her husband for his thoughts.

"Kaze, can I ask you to elaborate what you mean by 'naturally'?"

"To put into context, my thoughts may have differed since we are dating now, but she has gotten more physical and open with her thoughts. Previously, she would find an appropriate and private time to confide in me, but she has been doing so whenever we talk without fearing what she had to stop herself from saying... something like that?"

"I see. What about her being physical? Have you two been fighting?"

"Oh, not that type of physical, Reginsleif-sama. I mean, she stuck close to me a lot more than usual. Before we dated, she was sure to keep her distance."

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