Chapter 71

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It was another half hour before Kaze and Lunaria completed their talk.

With the issue on the rules of their relationship out of the way, they were free to hang around till lunchtime.

"Ilesta, may I know who else is left in the palace?" Lunaria asked the maid.

"Yes, Lunaria-sama. Currently, only 3 of Kaze-sama's friends are left," Ilesta confirmed with her magic sense. "They would be Mitsui-sama, Rena-sama and Noel-sama. Mitsui-sama is in the library, Rena-sama in the kitchen with some of the cooks and Noel-sama training in the courtyard."

"Oh? What do you want to do, Kaze?" Lunaria turned to look at her lover with an endearing smile. "Now that we're couples, we are free to do whatever we want within the confines of the palace."

"Uhh, you tell me. I'm your guest, so I wouldn't know what's good for me," Kaze admitted.

"Lunaria-sama, I would suggest taking Kaze-sama to the wyverns," Ilesta suggested to the couple. "That could be a good place to start."

"Indeed. Let's go then."

"Wait, what is the thing with wyverns?"

"You will see. Come on."

Dragging a reluctant Kaze out of the room, Lunaria took him out of the palace towards one of the connecting stairs built to the side of the mountain that led all the way above.

Since it was a stairway that looked to be leading up forever, them walking there was already going to take some time, making it a rather tiring workout for Kaze. Never had he thought he would be climbing hundreds of stairs leading to the upper portions of the palace. For Lunaria, who could fly and had tons of stamina as a dragonkin, this was like a walk in the park for her.

The end of the stairway at the top lead them to a small open area, as if there was a small cave here once but the roof of it had been demolished to make way for more sunshine from the sky. Few trees helped shape the surroundings covered in massive rocks, forming a circle-like opening for them. Right at the end of where the stairs were, Kaze saw a few stables built into the walls of the mountain.

"Huh, a horse stable of sort?"

"Wrong, it's a wyvern stable."

"You rear wyverns here?!"

Kaze gasped in surprise when Lunaria disregarded his suggestion of horse or any other typical animal. He certainly did not expect there to be a wyvern stable all the way at the top of the mountains.

"You really shouldn't be surprised by this. As dragonkins, flying all the way up here wouldn't pose as a problem for us. Plus, wyverns make good transportation since they obey us dragonkins."

"Is that like a natural thing for the wyverns or were they trained from young?"

"A bit of both. While I do admit that wild wyverns would be hard to train, those used to the company of us dragonkins would obey us, just like how horses would for you humans if they have been trained and taught."

With Kaze trailing a few steps behind her, Lunaria brought Kaze up to the entrance of the stables made out of wood and vines. Signs around the area showed that there had been people here constantly to care for the tidiness and security of the place, as well as feeding and nurturing the wyverns stored here.

"We let them fly for a few hours a day, from dawn till noon and dusk till night," Lunaria explained the schedule for the wyverns to Kaze. "There are caretakers in place to ensure the wyverns don't encounter any danger or fly off on their own."

"Man... I can't imagine how you would train them," Kaze shuddered, glancing past some of the empty rooms where wyverns would normally be stored. "When are they returning?"

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