Chapter 15

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10 minutes passed since the battle began.

Even now, the school was struggling to break through the barrier. One reason why even the top-class mages they had with them to conjure such a strong barrier would fail was due to external interference. It was obvious that the barrier had been modified and reinforced without anyone's knowledge, meaning the opponent must have been an even better mage.

"Move away! I'm going to try to break through!!"

"Y-You can't, Aldwolf-sama! We don't know what forcefully breaking it from the outside would do!"

Right now, a few adventurers were trying to hold back Aldwolf from charging right into the barrier. Most of the team had arrived at the entrance to the forest but were unable to enter from outside. As a result, they had been trying to break through without much success. Aldwolf, who had become agitated from how long this was taking and being able to sense the battle going on inside, started to want to force his way through. This prompted the other adventurers to hold him back while the mages worked desperately on the task.

Meanwhile, the students were also beginning to get worried for their juniors and schoolmates who were trapped. Without any information nor familiars to know what was going on inside, they could only wait impatiently for the authorities to try to figure something out. This was the first time something like this had ever happened, so it was something unexpected.

"What do you think is going on, Ken-chan?"

"Don't ask for my opinion. You know I am a very bipartisan person."

"Hm~ that may be true, but I think you are more pessimistic you know?"

Two of the students who were waiting with the crowd outside of the forest area spoke to each other. The area had been blocked by a few officials since this situation was starting to get out of hand so the city had to be involved. Even so, the students couldn't help but stood outside where they were allowed closest to the area.

Both of them were among the student body, yet they stood out from the rest. It wasn't like they were that different, but students knew who they were and instantly a mob mentality type of attitude was used to look at them.

"That's an amazing amount of mana leaking though, don't you think~?"

The one who just spoke had her hair tied in a side ponytail and wore big star earrings. With a huge sword that looked very... unique to her back, she faced the person she had been talking to.

"Tch, it's just mana... you don't know why there is mana in the first place."

The guy replied in a slightly grumpy mood. He had an air of being unreliable and delinquency around him, but the students knew better than to be fooled by his outward appearance. Instead of a sword, each of his fingers had rings of different variation and design on them.

"What are you saying Ken-chan? We both know that there is a very strong monster inside right~? You can sense the ground moving up and down from time to time."

"Oh, you two are here. I knew I could hear someone familiar."

"Ah, it's Ryu-chan!"

The two turned around when they heard someone else calling them. When they saw who it was, the girl acted in a cheerful manner while the guy went back to his usual sulking.

Within the school, it had been said before there existed an invisible ranking system that showed the top fighters within both the school year and the entire school. This was among the things that most people looked forward to, some form of recognition and admiration to the top of the top. These three right now were one of the few students who were within the top 10 rankings, something that was out of reach for most people without the talent or effort to reach such levels. For the top 10, people have an exclusive name for each of them.

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