Chapter 4

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A few days had passed since the incident at the lunchroom.

Since then, the students were warned for the actions caused along with what to and not to do when interacting with a member of the dragonkin race. Even though many were not present when Lunaria got rushed by a crowd, everyone already knew what happened from stories spread by eyewitnesses that day. Thus, it came by no surprise to everyone that such a warning was issued. After what had happened, it was only natural to assume something like this would be informed to the students.

While student interaction with Lunaria hadn't decreased, people have started to get more cautious and polite with her as well as respecting her personal space. There were still one or two situations where she was approached a little too closely, but this time she was fully prepared to use magic to fend for herself.

Today, Kaze's class was having their second combined class interaction with Lunaria's class once more, namely physical training class. While the name of the lesson was much longer, it was more commonly known and referred to as Physical Education or Physics.

Physics covered not just the sports and activities that everyone knew, but also involved magical training since there were certain activities that required outdoors practice instead. From year 2 onwards, physical, and magical training would be split considering the increase in difficulty in syllabus and therefore magical training would shift to the domain of Magical Perception instead. For now, though, they would be taught under the guidance of 2 teachers since there needed to be more eyes to watch a larger number of people.

"Yo~ We are here boys!" Shoko shouted at Kaze and Yuuji cheerfully, waving her hands frantically to get their attention.

"How are you feeling Lunaria?" Kaze addressed the dragonkin princess as he and Yuuji approached their group.

"Good, how about you two?" Lunaria asked them with a polite smile. "It's good to see you two again."

"It is hard to schedule to eat or meet together for the time being since there could be sudden shifts in schedule, might as well wait for a few weeks for our timetables to be confirmed before we can meet up more often," Yuuji commented after greeting Lunaria and her friends. "I suppose you have been treated rather differently after the incident?"

"Yes, my notice had been taken very seriously by the school administration," Lunaria nodded. "They promised to take immediate action, so I am satisfied to see the results. If not, I wouldn't have done much either but my perception of the school in general would decrease."

"A normal noble would have made a lot of fuss if this happened to them instead, but I suppose they prefer to hog all the glory," Kaze chuckled, picking up his wooden sword.

"Is that some sort of prejudice I sense against the nobles of this country?" Sera asked with a cheeky grin. "I never thought of you to be one to judge, Kaze."

"You know I don't mean it that way," Kaze sighed at this. "Yuuji, do you want to help me explain?"

"Basically, Kaze still hadn't made any friends since the first day because our class is filled with nobles," Yuuji scratched the back of his head while explaining. "Even the few commoners in class didn't want to hang out with us because of what happened during Magic Perception a few days back."

"You mean, hang out with me specifically," Kaze shot a look at Yuuji for purposely making his own sentence vague. "And I don't need the pity, thank you very much."

"Well, it just means the students of your class are missing out on someone like you, don't pay them any attention," Lunaria sighed. "When the time comes, it will come. We still have a full year ahead of us after all. Come, let's start training too."

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