Chapter 31

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"O-Oi, look at that..."

"Since when does our school have students like them?"

"A bunch of cute girls showed up all of a sudden..."

"Are they from another school?"

A bunch of murmurs came from the students around them as the group walked down the school entrance. It was no surprise that this would happen, especially considering the people they had with them.

Lunaria aside, her siblings were the ones to steal the attention unintentionally. As princesses, they were also familiar with being the centre of attention, so this was no surprise to them. If it came down to revealing that they were also dragonkins, the problems that would occur was even larger. This was probably why Laevia trusted them because they wouldn't do anything as stupid as revealing their true identity.

The pressure was truly on Kaze's group as a whole this time instead of it focusing on Kaze as usual. Yuuji aside, the rest started to understand how it felt to constantly become the target of envy. It would infuriate anyone normally if they were spotted walking together with such attractive women. In the first place, the sisters weren't human so their beauty couldn't be justified normally, but no one else other than them knew it.

Multiple students came up to them almost immediately, introducing themselves as nobles or praising their beauty. Lunatea and her sisters only listened to their words casually, not taking them into consideration at all. In their eyes, they were already used to this sort of flattery and approach garnered by men and women alike. Much like Lunaria, the four had their fair share of marriage proposals in the past so they knew how to deal with advances like such.

The situation wasn't that bad when they first started walking, but started to become a problem when more and more people surrounded them to the point they were unable to advance. What that was supposed to be a fun lunch break together with their friends and exploring the festival turned out to be a bother for the dragonkin sisters.

"Lunaria, I think we need to clear the situation," Kaze whispered to Lunaria, hoping they could do something about it.

"You didn't need to ask, I was getting tired of this too," Lunaria sighed.

Silently casting a spell, Lunaria raised her hand and released two spells simultaneously. The first spell made a huge magic circle in the air which covered the entire area around them. Within seconds, a huge flash happened and at the same time the second spell took effect. To Kaze and the others in their group, nothing much changed but the students around them looked confused.

"Thanks, Lunaria-nee," Luniel giggled. "I was starting to regret coming out."

"What did you do?" Yuuji asked Lunaria.

"Just a simple temporary memory charm along with casting a secondary illusion over my sisters," Lunaria simply explained. "The people around us who saw my sisters would regain their lost memory of 5 minutes ago soon, so we have to move."

"What about the secondary illusion? I don't see any changes," Irene looked up and down at Lunaea for comparison.

"Ah, Lunaria-nee made it that we won't be affected by it," Lunatea helped to add to the explanation. "The secondary illusion works that anyone else who sees us will only view us as normal people instead of what we look like actually."

"Why don't you cast it on us as well?" Chris turned the question to Lunaria. "In my opinion, we are fine with it if it is not going to be too much a hassle."

"No. I prefer if you are able to see my sisters for who they are instead of a mere illusion," Lunaria smiled at the question asked. "You all are already our friends, so it would be a shame."

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