Chapter 9

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Kaze was in the middle of his studies when he got interrupted by Lunaria.

"Kaze, do you have some time to hear me out? I want to go through the schedule of our exam with you," Lunaria asked him in a hushed voice, considering they were in the library.

"Um, yeah, sure," Kaze looked around before nodding at her. "What's up? It's not like you to be nervous about exams."

"Oh no, I don't mean it like that. I meant I want to make sure that you don't score something average under my watch," Lunaria pretended to be angry at his words, plopping down on the seat opposite him like usual.

"In the first place, what is 'average' for you?" Kaze gulped at Lunaria's expression. "The only reason I ask this is because you scored 95% on your test and said it was bad."

"It could have been 98%, but that's beside the point," Lunaria blushed lightly at his words because she knew what he said reflected her stubborn attitude. "I have been tutoring you for 3 months, of course I don't want to see my effort going down the drain. I have set a goal for you: get at least 85% on every paper, including practical."

"Wait, that's already raising the bar too high. How about 60% on average?"



"75%, no more bargaining."

"... What happens if I can't meet the goal?"

"Then, it's more hell for you."

"Geh... study hell is scary," Kaze shuddered at the fact that Lunaria was smiling but her eyes reflected a different emotion entirely.

"Hehe, it's necessary for you to have good grades after all," Lunaria opened one of her notebooks while saying so. "What about the individual examination? Have you prepared a strategy?"

"Um... not really. I was thinking of just performing well on the day," Kaze felt a chill running down his spine knowing that Lunaria probably already planned for that too. "How else can you plan for it other than studying the map?"

"Hmm, I suppose you haven't really thought it through then," Lunaria sighed softly before smiling. "It's alright, I understand. I won't nag you for that since everyone has a different approach to it. However, I won't be going easy on your studies alright?"

"Like I said, how are you so capable..."

After another gruelling afternoon of studying, Kaze and Lunaria headed back to their dorms. By now, the two had gotten used to the stares that they received from them walking together. If anything, Kaze wondered how people weren't tired of being jealous of him for being Lunaria's friend. They could if they tried hard enough, but he knew Lunaria had her reasons for sticking with him most of the time too. It was most probably because he saved her that one time and she didn't want to trouble him, but Lunaria seemed to just want to stay with him. It was like how Yuuji chose to stuck to Kaze even with how many friends he had too.

"Kaze, want to get something to eat on the way back?" Lunaria suggested, completely disregarding the vibes they were getting. "We can take a short detour to the market area."

"I'm fine with that, but I'm a little tight on money so I will just watch you eat," Kaze nodded.

"Ehh, then let me treat you. I don't want to make you watch," Lunaria hooked her arm around his, attaching her close to him so that he wouldn't escape.

Kaze knew that when Lunaria got like this, she wouldn't change her mind no matter how hard he tried to bargain with her. As such, all he could do was nod helplessly and allowed her to lead the way.

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