Chapter 30

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After a few more minutes of convincing, they were finally willing to let Kaze go. With the group now sitting around together in the room, they were in a slightly awkward situation after what the princesses did to Kaze.

Unlike the rest, Kaze was forced to sit next to Lunaria while being surrounded by the rest of her sisters. With his heart thumping loudly, he could only stare helplessly at his friends who were all glad they weren't in Kaze's shoes right now.

"Um... how do we start?" Lunaria glanced at Kaze. "Do you want to explain?"

"L-Lunaria and I, we met first before the others," Kaze gulped, wanting to save his own skin. "Yuuji and I were chosen to be partners with Lunaria's group in a combined class and from there we came to know of Sera, Rena and Shoko too."

"A lot more happened before we met everyone else, like with Chris and Irene," Lunaria helped to continue. "We only really met half of the group during the... centipede fight. It was the day of the individual examination, but Kaze knew Albert from the sword fighting club."

"Yes, I can confirm that," Albert solemnly nodded at this. "I have seen Kaze fight before, but never up close, until the examination itself."

"I met Mitsui randomly halfway through the exam, and we got acquainted," Kaze continued. "Turns out, she is Yuuji's cousin so that is a surprise."

"I see," Lunatea smiled at their words. "I only got to know Kaze accidentally when finding Lunaria-nee first, but we gradually became friends too. It is interesting now that you mention how you met. It was all because of the centipede huh?"

"Yes... I hope to never experience that again," Kaze shuddered. "Simply thinking of how evil and terrifying the monster was, I'm having nightmares about it."

The others also showed similar responses since they were the ones in the frontline of the battle. This only proved that the rest of the students who fought could also suffer from post-trauma distress from time to time because of the centipede.

After hearing their brief explanation, Lucentia, Lunaea and Luniel exchanged glances with each other. They were able to determine individually that their words were honest and there was no lie in them.

"... I see," Lucentia's frown gradually disappeared after hearing their testimony. "It seems like we were mistaken then. We are sorry for treating you too harshly, Kaze."

"Sowwy~" Luniel laughed nervously. "We were just worried Lunaria-nee had found a man for herself without telling us."

"You will have to forgive my sisters for their actions, Kaze," Lunaria grasped his hand tightly with both of hers. "It is a disgrace on the Rentaria family to act before understanding the situation first."

"It's alright," Kaze sighed, not wanting to see Lunaria acting like this. "I can understand that they care about you a lot, hence why they reacted that way. Besides, what do they mean by 'my scent'?"

"Um... the more time you spend with someone, the more their odour will linger on you," Lunaria explained, unsure of how to make the situation clear to him. "You won't be able to understand it unless you have noses like us dragonkins. We can distinguish the odour of someone based on close examination."

"Kind of like wolfkins, really," Lunatea added in. "Kaze, what they mean to say is that they detected your odour all over Lunaria's body, making them wary of you."

"Ah, that I can explain," Kaze heaved a sigh of relief. "That was because Lunaria was the one escorting me around the school festival, so it explains why my odour lingered on her for a bit. If you want to say odours are long-lasting, then I would have to say that is because she tutored me daily back at our house."

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