Chapter 82

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The day ended uneventfully for the better. Other than everyone being absolutely drained from the treasure hunt, they were equally excited for the day after tomorrow. Getting to experiencing schooling in Aravel was another level of honour the group felt they acquired, so much so that the boys of the group began sparring with each other after dinner.

While the girls watched the spar, Kaze and Lunaria sat close by to the group where they cuddled and watched the spar going down. Kaze initially wanted to spar as well but gave in to the temptation to cuddle with his dragonkin girlfriend. After all, he believed that he wasn't missing out that much since the spar was really just a way for them to vent their excitement. What he really wanted was just to hang around Lunaria and relax after a gruelling day of activity.

"Kaze, do you mind?"



Lunaria, sitting on his lap, purred happily when Kaze stroked her head after she requested for it. Them passing time during cuddles comprised of kisses, hugging and patting. By stroking Lunaria's head, Kaze could tell that she truly enjoyed having her lover show her this much attention. Her tail naturally wrapped around his waist, twitching a little every time he restarted his stroking in a repeated motion. It was a cute detail Kaze noticed coming from Lunaria.

"Do you really have to pick this time to flirt?" Mitsui addressed the lovebirds with a smirk. "There is a bedroom for a reason."

"Really, Mitsui?" Kaze sighed at Mitsui's teasing nature. "I understand if Lunaria and I cuddling would make you uncomfortable, but you didn't have to phrase it that way."

"Not really, it's rather entertaining watching you two," Irene grinned, also joining in on the fun. "It makes me question whether a certain someone would be able to treat me the way you do to Lunaria, hm?"

The obvious target of her statement, Chris, was having too much fun sparring with Albert and Yuuji to catch Irene's words. Of course, she was simply joking to try and get a response out of the others as she didn't hold ill intentions towards her boyfriend.

"I think your relationship with Chris is stable, Irene," Lunaria politely commented. "You don't have to feel jealous about Kaze and I."

"We know you're more passionate than normal people, Lunaria," Noel nodded at her statement about feeling jealousy. "Somehow, your pure and genuine love for Kaze makes your flirting a lot more tolerable than those you would see back in Tristania."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Lunaria tilted her head at this interesting viewpoint coming from Noel. "Do couples in the human nations act the way I do?"

"Not... as open or cuddly in most cases, but I would say so," Noel simply nodded. "Ask any of us. If you are a noble or someone of higher status, you would see a different perspective compared to the lower or middle-class families."

"Basically, think of couples of a higher status acting more refined and with care since their actions reflect their family status," Irene, being someone who was from that high-class style family, told Lunaria. "You would understand, wouldn't you? Maybe not, since Laevia-sama and Reginsleif-sama are super laidback people."

"I do understand, if anything," Lunaria giggled, accepting a kiss from Kaze. "I grew up refined, which surprisingly did not affect my natural self. As you can see, I am rather attached to Kaze."

"Sorry, what I meant was with showing affection. Like with Laevia-sama and Reginsleif-sama, they flirt openly in front of us too," Irene corrected herself. "As a princess, of course you would know how to act refined, but I meant in terms of showing affection."

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