Chapter 84

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"Kaze... what did you do to Lucentia?"

"Uhh, nothing?"

Right now, Kaze was at lunch with Lunaria and Lucentia. Instead of having it at the palace as usual, they were out at Yerva's place where they came here on the second day to try wolfkin cuisine. Lunaria joined up with them shortly after Kaze left Lucentia, her proposing to eat out. It seemed like the dragonkin princesses preferred Yerva's food, hence why his place would come to mind.

To address the situation of Lunaria asking Kaze what he did to Lucentia, it all started when they left the palace. Lucentia kept staring at Kaze while they walked and stuck closely to his side, which was rare for how she would usually act. Once they were at Yerva's place, they got themselves a quiet area to sit and Lucentia immediately took the seat next to Kaze, leaving Lunaria to sit at the opposite end. To make matters worse, the tip Lucentia's tail began stroking Kaze's lap, just like how Lunaria would when they cuddled to show her affection.

With such a drastic change in her sister's actions from just being away from Kaze for a few hours, it caused Lunaria to sweatdrop. What in the world did Kaze do that made Lucentia so easily change the way she treated him? Didn't they simply attend Lucentia's idol work?

Kaze himself felt a little miffed by how Lucentia changed too. All he did was kiss her on the lips unannounced and she became so much more passionate around him, almost to the level that Lunaria had. He certainly hadn't expected an effect of this level, even if it was just a declaration that he was going to consider dating her seriously.

"Um... Onii-san?" Linea, the young adopted wolfkin acting as the waitress, lightly tapped Kaze's shoulder with a curious look on her face. "I would like to ask for your order..."

"A-Ah, sorry," Kaze chuckled nervously and quickly skimmed the menu. "Just give me some rice and grilled meat with a salad."

"Alright," Linea nodded, now tilting her head at Lucentia. "Why is Lucentia-sama's tail on your lap?"

"She feels tired, so I offered to give it a massage," Kaze quickly came up with an excuse. "I have permission, so don't worry."

"Ahh, I see," Linea innocently smiled and nodded happily. "I will be back with your orders soon~"

A huge sigh of relief escaped Kaze's mouth. He felt bad about lying to Linea, but there was no way he could tell her that Lucentia was in love with him. After all, it was still meant to be a secret. The only reason the three hadn't been called out by any other customer was due to the spot they chose as well as the time of the day. It so happened that today was a day where there were fewer customers than usual, hence why they could more freely pick a spot they wanted in the restaurant.

While their subtle act might be able to cheat any other children or dragonkin nearby, there was definitely no beating Yerva.

"Oho, welcome back Hime-sama," the old wolfkin showed up at their table shortly after Linea left and took a polite bow. "And here we have the young'un from the other day. Kaze, right?"

"Yes. It's good to see you again Yerva," Kaze bowed back as well. "How is business these days?"

"Same ol' thing. Once you get to my age, you will understand that having an honest business is what keeps the customers returnin'," Yerva grinned. "That's what I'm doing, me and Linea. 'Avin' 'er as a poster girl helps keep the constant flow of customers, know what I'm sayin'?"

"Yerva, why don't you try applying to the school board to get Linea to study?" Lunaria proposed, a gentle smile floating across her face. "She seems to be eligible for primary school already."

"Ya see, that's the thing. I tried asking 'er before, but she seems reluctant," Yerva scratched the back of his head with a shrug. " 'er excuse's regarding her age. She has too many dragonkin friends who are older than 'er. But that's nature; she insists to start school once she is around their age in term of wolfkin years. Not that I'm against it, but she does seem to be studying diligently every night with some help from another parent."

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