Chapter 62

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The trio quickly stopped by a blacksmith that looked slightly different than the others they had passed by.

"Are you sure this is a blacksmith shop? It looks more like something for high-class customers," Kaze reconfirmed with the twins.

"Definitely. Don't let its outwards appearance fool you," Luniel nodded confidently. "Look around first. I'm off to find the owner."

The shop they were in certainly looked more glamorous compared to the rest, mainly because of the polished wooden tiled floor and the neatly painted walls. There were various items on display, with most of it being ornaments and outfits over weaponry. The only real thing considered a 'weapon' from here was a shelf of staffs for magic casters and mages, which looked just as dazzling from the intrinsic design and carvings.

Kaze, being someone who mainly used the sword, was astonished by the details applied on the outfits while strolling by the display. Lunaea followed right beside him, curiously staring at him as he carefully examined the clothes.

"Um... K-Kaze? Why are you acting so... scared?"

"Hey now, I don't know if I will ever be able to afford a single item here if I accidentally damaged it," Kaze shuddered. "While this might be window shopping, I still have to be careful."

"But if you really wanted... you have enough money to afford it here?"

"Wait, how much credit, err, points are in this thing?"

Kaze, for the first time, took a good look at the card he was provided with. Since starting their tour, Lunaea and Luniel kept on treating him with food to the point he didn't even need to pay yet. Now that he was able to examine it on his own, Kaze noticed a string of numbers popping up underneath and let out a shocked cry.

"F-Five figures???"

"Why are you... surprised? There are things in here worthy of going up to 6 and even 7 figures..." Lunaea simply tilted her head at this. "It depends on what you buy, but it definitely is enough for a medium-tier armour... Oh, sorry, I forgot..."

It was clear what Lunaea had realized and wanted to apologise for at the end of her sentence. She remembered that Kaze did not have the funds or the luxury to window shop often enough to understand the value of an item or get used to buying expensive armour. For them, who grew up around such things, it was already second nature when it came to rational purchases and price deduction. Kaze lacked such an experience, so it should be no surprise he reacted this way.

Sighing when judged by the princess, Kaze stuffed the card back into the pouch and continued browsing through the items. It was hard to concentrate when he could feel Lunaea's 'condescending' look drilling to the back of his head. Lunaea obviously wasn't judging him for being poor, but the way she stared at him gave him pressure. For someone so petite and small in size, she exerted incredible pressure from simply staring.

"I... don't think I'm buying anything," Kaze told Lunaea to try and deter her from staring. "I'm just looking, that's all."

"Not buying anything? Don't be like that! I'll give you a discount if you do end up purchasing two or more items."

From behind, Kaze heard this loud and rough voice talking to him. When he turned around, he found a middle-aged unkempt man walking up to him. Based on the black rubber gloves on his hand and the apron in front, he was clearly a blacksmith who worked here.

"The name's Draven, Master Smith and owner of the shop," Draven removed his glove and shook Kaze's hand. "My, it's been a long time since I last saw a human enter my store."

"Be polite to him, Draven," Luniel giggled, appearing from behind them. "He's Lunaria-nee's precious guest."

"Oh, invited by the crown princess, were you! You MUST buy something from my store then," Draven grinned and gave Kaze a hearty slap on the back. "Come on, what're you interested in?"

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