Chapter 95

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It felt like eternity had passed with Tiel when Kaze woke up. The first thing he found was himself lying in Lunaria's bed in a slightly shifted position than the night before. He took some time to adjust his body to catch up with his mind, which had worked at hyper speed as though he hadn't slept the whole night although his body did.

The next thing he knew was Lunaria, who was supposedly by his side, had been gone. This wasn't a cause for concern, because he could vaguely hear the door to her bathroom swinging open. Even when his girlfriend was gone, the feeling of her weight resting on his arm didn't disappear like a phantom Lunaria was still lying on him. This was also partly because he was half-awake from trying to catch up on his talk with Tiel in his mind that prevented him from processing the real world.

"Oh, did I cause you to wake up? I'm sorry," Lunaria apologised when she noticed Kaze had woken up as she headed back to bed. "We still have a bit of time before needing to get ready for school, so you can continue sleeping for a bit longer."

Climbing back to the bed, she slipped back to his side and snuggled him once more. Kaze's stiff face instantly melted into a smile at how cute Lunaria was when her actions showed how attached to him she was.

"What if I said that I want to get up now?"

"That's fine too. Back in Tristania, you would wake up early to train from time to time. There are also times where I'm forced to wake up earlier than usual, so I understand if you choose to get out of bed."

"... On second thought, I want to cuddle with you longer..."


Kaze turned his body to his side so he could hug Lunaria back. At the same time, this caused him to bury his face into her bosom, something that was done rather frequently as he enjoyed the comfort her chest brought him. Lunaria let out a soft purr when her body got squeezed by Kaze hugging her, giving her great amount of pleasure internally. Having her lover rely on her that much was always something she loved and wanted to happen, so she was obviously going to take advantage of that.

It wasn't till another half an hour passed that the two decided it was time to get ready for their final day at Leiscatie Academy. Between their morning cuddles and light kisses here and there, Kaze and Lunaria got ready with their school uniform after a quick bath together. They then headed to the dining room where breakfast was served by maids of the palace to dine with their friends and the rulers of the nation, like they had in the past week.

The only difference this time was instead of it being a merry breakfast like usual, everyone had a slightly tense and excited mood since this was their last day at the academy. While this meant farewell for a long time with their new friends, it also hyped them for what would come later. The last day was meant to be a celebration, according to the schedule, even though it had not stated what sort of celebration was being made.

'If only they knew what would happen tonight,' Kaze thought to himself, knowing that the news of everything regarding Czech to be told by Reginsleif later during dinner would break his friends.

"Good morning," Sera greeted Kaze, walking past him. "Why are you standing at the doorway by yourself? Are you waiting for someone?"

"Morning Sera. I just didn't want to sit down and have a short walk before breakfast is served," Kaze explained to the elf. "Sorry if that sounds weird."

"Hmm, it does sound weird, but it's understandable," Sera giggled. "Do you mean you feel sore from constantly sitting down that you want to move about more? If that is the case, then I get it. For a second there, I thought you had an argument with Lunaria from how deep in thought you were that I had to call out to you twice before I got your attention."

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