Chapter 61

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The next morning, Kaze woke up the earliest of the bunch and was already at the common room before anyone was even ready yet.

It was an understatement to say that Kaze barely slept a wink the night before, since he did sleep but was unable to get a peaceful rest. Being unable to get a good sleep was worse than being unable to sleep at all, shown by his slightly dishevelled look and darker eye circles.

"Good morning," Sera, being one of the early risers, noticed Kaze sitting by himself and walked over to his side. "You're early today."

"Yeah... couldn't sleep," Kaze mumbled.

"Bad dream? Or out of excitement?" Sera grinned, giving him a light nudge. "Come on, let's have breakfast first."

When Kaze got to the dining room with Sera, he was surprised to see that no one was there yet. Perhaps the royalties took their time every day since there was no real rush. Unlike humans, who only had limited time, the dragonkin race were a species that did not hurry about that much. While it was not the sole contributing factor, it was still something to consider.

Today, that factor did not apply. It was simply Kaze and Sera going to breakfast earlier than the rest, although some of them were already awake. The Emperor and Empress, for example, took their time getting ready as rulers of the nation.

"Sera-sama, Kaze-sama," Ilesta came over to them and gave a light bow. "You're up early. Please take a seat first, we will serve breakfast shortly."

Soon, the rest of the royal family and their friends came together to have breakfast by the table. It was another exciting day for the group, for they were going to be brought on a short tour around Aravel. It would be a chance to get to see what life in Aravel was like and interact with the locals. Even though it was called a dragonkin nation, they also had other natives living here that weren't humans, such as wolfkins and foxkins.

During breakfast, Kaze glanced towards Lucentia, who sat rather far away from where he was. With the event of the night before still on his mind, he wondered how Lucentia would react. When she noticed him staring at her, she just gave him a quick cold glance before turning back to breakfast. This, rather than sent shivers down Kaze's spine, caused him to sigh in relief instead as that meant Lucentia was truly treating what happened a secret.

Unfortunately for him, when looking at Lunaria, she merely looked away or ignored him. This proved she was still pretty steamed about what her mother did, even though it was proven to not be Kaze's fault. After all, would he dare to lie to an Empress of all people? If Lunaria was there when they were talking, perhaps the results would have been rather different.

As of now, Kaze could not do anything until he waited for a chance to talk with her again.

- - - - - -

"Everyone~ good morning! Hopefully you had a good sleep last night!" Luniel enthusiastically spoke to the group. "Today, Lunaea and I will be your tour guide around the town of Aravel!"

"I-I will simply be here to lead the way and do some interaction," Lunaea shyly pointed out. "P-Please excuse me, I'm bad at interacting..."

With the pair of petite dragonkin princess twins leading the way, the group left the palace and headed into town. Along with them were the three elder princesses, allowing their younger siblings to take the lead. It seemed like each of them were in charge of different things, so for the time being Luniel and Lunaea were acting as the tour guide for them.

"Luniel, sometimes it feels like you act like the elder of the two," Shoko casually commented while they departed. "Lunaea, don't you think it's time to step up?"

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