Chapter 86

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How Lune-sensei conducted her class was no different than any other teacher. Starting off with a quick recap of what they learnt the previous lesson for no longer than 5 minutes, she went on to discuss what would be the new subtopic regarding magic cultivation. The class, in response, listened intently while jotting down some notes from time to time.

It might seem weird that the first thing they would do to celebrate the arrival of Kaze, Noel and Luniel into their class was by continuing lesson as usual. In fact, this was the way Lune-sensei herself deemed to be appropriate. Since the main reason for visiting was to explore and learn about how things were done in Aravel, it only made sense to have a normal class routine for them to compare themselves. Plus, the syllabus of what they were learning was no different than what Kaze and Noel would at their level with only a slight difference in teaching material, depth, and style.

Kaze had a spot towards the middle row of the class with Yumi and Kaguya. One of the items provided in the prize for winning the treasure hunt included a notebook and writing equipment for taking down notes and stuff. It was surprising enough that none of the students in the room had a textbook for the lesson, but even Lune-sensei herself did not seem to have any material to refer to when teaching. This shocked Kaze, who was used to having a textbook by his side during class where all the learning material was listed on for student reference.

"Um... Kaguya," Kaze quietly called out to Kaguya. "Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you have textbooks?"

"Huh? Oh, we do, but no one brings them to school," Kaguya replied with a small smile. "It depends on the teacher on how they would be teaching though. For Lune-sensei, who relies on her own wealth of knowledge compared to what the books regurgitate, us students have also learnt to refer to what that had been taught in class before reading the textbooks for additional information."

"Eh... that is surprising," Kaze slowly nodded. "Alright, thanks for the info."

Turning back to the front, Kaze found that Noel had already adopted to the different style of learning and was writing away on her notes whereas his was still fresh and clean. Not wanting to miss out anything, he joined the group of students and took down whatever that was said and written by Lune-sensei.

Unlike the chalk-and-blackboard style of writing used in class, Lune-sensei seemed to prefer having magic writings appear effortlessly in front of the board. It reminded Kaze of how words constantly changed on the pamphlets they had. Since it was much easier to have words appear without wasting time, it was indeed something the dragonkins preferred: convenience. Lune-sensei was even capable of projecting images and moving projectiles to help her students imagine and understand certain parts of her lecture, something that was also new to Kaze.

When Lune-sensei conjured a huge magic circle for one of her explanations, some of the students leaked 'ooh's and 'ahh's of admiration for the scale that Lune-sensei was able to enhance the magic circle. There was nothing too fancy or complex about the way the magic circle was made. The part that made everyone impressed was how Lune-sensei was able to maintain the flow of magic used to stabilize the magic circle. It was hard to maintain a circle this big while retaining its initial strength and value.

One could determine the level a circle was at by simply inspecting its design. Lune-sensei had purposely created a magic circle with the fundamental principles they have learnt for simple understanding, allowing them to examine and learn from her. How she maintained a circle of this level in relation to its output force was masterful, such that even some of the higher-levelled mages would have a hard time balancing the magic circle for an extended period of time. As the Head of Faculty, Lune-sensei easily succeeded in maintaining the magic circle while giving her lecture.

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