Chapter 33

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"Mother, what is the usage of a Phoenix Orchid again?"

"Oh, that's a strange question. I suppose it depends on what you use it for. From its nectar to the stem, it can be used to make advanced potions or even just as a flower to show off its rarity since it never wilts. Why do you ask?"

"Lunaria-nee... she just told me telepathically that their school had a Phoenix Orchid as the first prize at her school lottery."

"Ah, I see. It is indeed strange that a Phoenix Orchid out of all things would be the prize."

"A Phoenix Orchid, huh. Tristania must either be too rich, or they were just extremely lucky."

"I wonder if Sir Ethan had anything to do about it?"

"Hmm, Ethan did say that he would be slightly involved in the lottery itself."

"Oh, that makes sense then."

Currently, Lunatea was having a conversation with her father and mother. It was just before their bedtime when she received a telepathic communication from her elder sister. After a bit of silent talking with her, Lunatea knew she had to inform her parents of this.

Since they were staying in two separate rooms from each other in the palace of Tristania, Lunatea only had to walk over to the other room to address the said issue to her parents. Their simple exchange happened, with Reginsleif and Laevia cuddled in bed together while Lunatea stood in front of them.

"Lunaria-nee... she won the Phoenix Orchid." Lunatea gulped, breaking the news to her parents. "She... seems to be a bit hysterical right now. I just told her to get some sleep for the event tomorrow."

"I'm not surprised. Had I known that I won a Phoenix Orchid, I would probably react the same way Lunaria did now," Laevia simply giggled at this, as if she was used to it. "I still would, if we didn't have a garden of it back in the palace."

"M-Mother, you know that is beside the point. This Orchid is probably naturally found, you know?" Lunatea stammered at Laevia's words. "Even Lunaria-nee is freaking out over it."

"Yes, but that doesn't make the one we have back at home any rarer," Reginsleif puckered his lips to kiss Laevia while talking with Lunatea. "So, anything else?"

"N-Nothing... even Lucentia and the others are excitedly discussing this among themselves..." Luantea slumped against the bedframe in front of her, hopeless at her parents' reaction. "How are you two not surprised?"

"We are, but I just have better priorities in front of me," Reginsleif smirked. "Finally on a short holiday together with the family, and that is what you worry about? Lunatea, if you don't mind, your mother and I are going to need some privacy."

".... Yes father," Lunatea muttered, walking out of the room. "Good night, father, mother."

As soon as she closed the door, she could hear the muffled moans immediately from her mother before it was completely drowned out by the sound barrier's effect around the room.

"I wonder how they would react if I told them that she has to share the prize with Kaze...?" Lunatea mumbled to herself before sighing and shaking her head. "It's alright... I don't need to think about it now..."

Moving back to her room to get some sleep, Lunatea pushed the relentless thoughts to the back of her mind.

- - - - -

Kaze's excitement from the night before had completely washed away on its own as soon as he woke up at 5 sharp.

He was feeling more alert than ever, his body in perfect shape. Dropping to the floor as soon as he hopped out of bed to do 200 push ups, Kaze forced his mind to quickly go through all of his training tactics and moves that he had gained over the past few months.

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