Chapter 70

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When Kaze woke up the next morning, he found himself in Lunaria's bed. In his arms, snuggled up close to him, was a sleeping Lunaria.

Since the two went to bed naked, they were currently nude with nothing but a messed-up blanket carelessly covering their bodies with their legs exposed. Thankfully, all traces of their fluids and sweat had been cleaned up with magic by Lunaria the night before she they had a pleasant sleep.

The sunlight cutting in front the window next to them illuminated a lower part of the bed, forming diagonal shadows down the sheets. Sighing to himself, Kaze tilted his head back to the sleeping dragonkin. His hand reached over to stroke her head, in which he was given permission to touch her elf-like ears.

Last night, Kaze and Lunaria became lovers and mated.

It still felt like a dream, coupled with the warmth of the sunlight and the comfort of the bed.

"Please don't let this be a dream," Kaze muttered to himself. "If it is, I don't want to wake up..."

At the same time, a soft groan came from Lunaria. She shuddered a little before lifting her head slightly.

"... Kaze...?" Lunaria squinted at him before looking around her. "I'm naked...? ... Ah..."

Realizing what she had experienced wasn't a dream, her red iris came to life as she buried her head in his chest. Her arms, once used to support herself to sleep, had now become wrapped around his body in agitation and excitement.


"W-Woah... I'm here, Lunaria."

The dragonkin squealed happily as she slipped on top of his body, the two embracing each other with laughter and smiles. They both were glad that whatever happened was real.

"I'm... not in a dream, right?"

"Nope. You're mine, Lunaria."

"Mm... forever yours..."

Lunaria's gaze softened as she lowered her head. Kaze knew what was coming and accepted her lips, the two sharing their first morning kiss with each other.

"Mm~~~~ Kaze~~~~~~"

At the same time, Lunaria's tail began wrapping around one of his legs in adoration. It wasn't until they lacked air that their lips parted, only temporarily before Kaze leaned forward for more from Lunaria.

Rolling around bed while they wrestled for dominance over the other, Lunaria gasped softly when Kaze suddenly pushed her down and held her arms over the top of her head. A light blush spread across her face as she squirmed under him, feeling ecstatic from being dominated by Kaze in a rather aggressive manner. She bit her lower lip gently and looked up at him with a shy gaze, as if longing for him to do whatever he wanted with her.

Kaze stopped and hovered over her, taking his time to examine her body. It amazed him how as a dragonkin, she shared so much in common with humans but had her own differences. Last night, he was able to get a good look where her tail and wings were connected, especially where certain parts of her waist had scales that glimmered white, just the way she was in her dragon form.

His gaze became locked on her shapely breasts and nipples for a bit before lowering himself, resting his face in between her cleavage. To this, Lunaria simply smiled and wrapped her arms around his head, stroking his hair in the process. Just as he could listen to the sound of her heart thumping below her ribs, Lunaria was able to feel his gentle breathing with air being exhaled from his nostrils and onto her bare skin.

"Kaze... we have to get up," Lunaria told him in a gentle manner. "It's time for breakfast."

"How are we going to let the others know?" Kaze asked, suddenly feeling worried. "I mean... it's so sudden."

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