Chapter 43

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As the guards in the palace hastily activated their defence protocol, Reginsleif and Laevia reunited with their daughters in the other room.

According to the guard earlier, the city of Czech was currently undergoing a series of explosions for the past 15 minutes or so in a random manner. While there hadn't been reports flowing in yet, the guardtowers were able to capture the bright explosions under the night sky.

"I'm so sorry for this," Ethan apologised profusely to the royal family of Aravel as he and his wife made their way out of the hall. "Please, stay in this room with your dragonkin guards. Once the situation has been further clarified, only then it would be safer to leave."

"Lunatea-nee, do you think Lunaria-nee will be fine?" Lunaea asked Lunatea, watched the King and Queen leaving them heavily guarded.

"I don't know," Lunatea shook her head. "I just hope Lunaria wasn't the cause of the explosions."

"It is unlikely. The explosions don't seem to be caused by magic, but instead rigged," Laevia tilted her head as she used her magic perception to try to get a feel of the situation outside. "It is hard to tell what is going on from here though. All the explosions seem to have occurred a distance away from the palace."

"Whatever the case, we will have to rely on Sir Ethan's hospitality now," Reginsleif simply announced, looking around the room they were isolated in with their guards. "Shiina, Sakuya, continue to remain in charge for now."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the two dragonkins got on one knee and bowed, obeying the Emperor's commands.

Even if there was a chance that this attack was meant to be an ambush on the palace itself, it would be dumb for the attackers since the royal family of Aravel was here with their personal guard escorts. No matter how strong or well-planned the attack, it was pointless going up against a group of highly trained dragonkins. It equated to suicide, if anything.

"Do you think Lunaria-nee is going to be okay?" Luniel asked her mother with a worried look on her face.

"I hope so," Laevia sighed. "We can't head out to check on her... can we?"

With a terrifying glance, her four daughters all shuddered in fear at their mother's sharp gaze. It was obvious that either one of them planned to sneak out to check on their sister, knowing she had a knack for getting into unwanted trouble. The situation wasn't in their favour, since Laevia already suspected they were going to try something like that.

"... Well, I will allow Lucentia out," Laevia relaxed into a smile. "Be quick, alright?"

"Y-Yes, mother!" Lucentia widened her eyes in surprise and nodded.

With a swift cast, Laevia made Lucentia invisible to the naked eye. This allowed her to slip out of the room undetected, especially when it was a spell generated by someone like Laevia. In truth, she was also worried about her eldest daughter as a mother, thus why she entrusted the job to someone more capable like Lucentia.

Lucentia quickly left the grounds of the palace, the guards unaware of her presence due to her being invisible. She took extra precaution by completely erasing her magic signature in case there was someone else skilled enough to detect her presence even without their eyes. They were in the palace after all, so anything was possible.

"Hm!" Lucentia spread her wings and took to the sky once she was out of the palace's vicinity.

With her pinkish white wings spreading out wide, Lucentia quickly arrived at a height where she was able to judge the overall situation of the city itself.

Unfortunately, she did not possess the incredible magic detection that Lunaria and Laevia had. It was something that relied more on innate talent than training to acquire it. As such, she had to fly around a lot closer to the ground while making sure to look for any signs of Lunaria.

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