Chapter 97

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Following the mini drama that unfolded between Lunaria and Kaze, the next few events were conducted in rapid succession. By the time lunch rolled around, being a celebratory buffet lunch prepared by the academy with cooperation from some of the chefs around the area, the two were the talk of the student body. Everywhere they went, they couldn't stop the rounds of congratulating and polite stares they received.

"So what was this I heard about smooching in class?" Yuuji smirked once the couple managed to make their way to the usual group dining together.

"The rumours were exaggerated, and you know that," Kaze rolled his eyes at the prince's comment. "Besides, I fell to the floor BECAUSE I was surprised, not because I wasn't ready to catch Lunaria."

"Which... is the same, isn't it?" Noel asked in a slightly confused smile. "I was there, and you obviously looked shocked."

"Shocked enough to see Lunaria-nee," Luniel joined in the teasing. "Oh, you should have seen the look on Kaze's face when everyone congratulated him in class. Lunaria-nee was also blushing so hard that I thought she was having a fever."

"L-Luniel!" Lunaria's ears turned red from her younger sister's words for she knew it was true. "If you were in the same position as I was, you would have reacted the same way."

"So how much of it was true?" Sera excitedly asked her friends. "I could only wish I was there at the time."

"Same here," Shoko pouted. "Only Rena was able to see the moment..."

"Why are you two so interested in their love life? It was just an act of affirmation that the test was successful and two people being overwhelmed from what we have kept hidden from them all along," Rena objectively stated the facts while sweatdropping. "Besides, it was nothing more special than the usual cuddling you would see them do at the palace."

"Man, if only you two were there," Irene tried to rub it in their face event more, referring to Chris and Albert. "I guarantee that you would have acted the way I did: completely flabbergasted."

"Sometimes I want to trust the rumours more due to how exaggerated it is," Chris admitted with a disappointed sigh. "But out of respect for Kaze and Lunaria, I am going to spare them the pain of remembering it."

"You have no idea how hard it was for some of us to keep this under wrap," Albert informed Kaze and Lunaria. "It took us quite the effort to ensure that this was unknown, though it did nearly slip once or twice."

"Spare me the shame and get on with it," Lunaria glared at Albert, who seemed to be the only sensible person at the table for the time being. "When did you find out about this?"

"Since the first day of school," Albert gulped, not wanting to get razed by Lunaria. "You and Kaze went off on your own after dinner, so the Emperor and Empress took the chance and told us about the plan. It was somewhat of an unexpected timing since the Emperor admitted that he wanted to bring you and Kaze away as a form of distraction or something."

Kaze and Lunaria both shared a quick glance. They both knew that the reason for their departure from the dining table that night was due to discussing her interaction with Ash. It still was something that hadn't been told to their friends since the issue had already been resolved. Had they known that this was what went down during their absence, they might not have done anything differently either way.

"Haa... I really apologise to everyone here for going along with my father and mother's schemes," Lunaria properly apologised with a bow. "You could have just rejected them and said we would deal with our problem ourselves."

"Please, we wouldn't have given up hope that you and Kaze would have to be apart," Yuuji lightly dismissed Lunaria's apology. "As the crown prince, I am also aware that our nation's relation might developed unfavourably if we don't act right. With the ability I have right now, this was the best I could do to show Czech is not hostile with Aravel."

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