Chapter 87

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After lunch was over, Kaze continued class for the rest of the day till the usual curriculum was over. Lessons that had proceeded before and after lunch all kept his attention on, especially when Lune-sensei was the one delivering them. The other teachers had their own traits, but it was really Lune-sensei he focused on since she meant something to Lunaria. Plus, she also knew their secret, making him a little more conscious on what would happen if it became blackmail material.

Thankfully, Lune-sensei remained normal throughout class without once bothering to look his way, other than when she was trying to address everyone and needed to give a sweeping glance. Kaze was also too engrossed in the lesson itself to bother about his and Lunaria's talk with Lune-sensei. In the end, nothing significant happened by the time school was over.

"Kaze, do you and Noel have time?" Kaguya asked him once they were allowed to go. "I want to show you around our academy."

"Same here! We can head to the cheerleading club too," Yumi flapped her wings excitedly. "Unless you already have plans with your group."

"No, I think we decided over lunch that we would be exploring on our own before returning," Kaze shook his head. "Noel and I would like to accept the offer."

"Should we inform Luniel?" Noel asked him. "In case she wants to come along."

"No need for that, you two can go ahead," Luniel overheard them and came over. "I have to hurry back to continue my research with Lunaea. See you over dinner!"

Luniel then rushed out of the class, probably to return to her lab. Kaze and Noel both understood that the twins were avid researcher, hence why they appreciated the twins taking their precious time out to attend school with them. Only Kaze knew the real reason she was in such a rush, mainly being that they were working to uncover a full analysis of Kaze's magic usage as well as how it correlated to allowing the Phoenix Orchid to expel its seed. With such a juicy research topic going, they definitely couldn't wait any longer to resume it.

With that said and done, Kaze and Noel followed their two newfound friends on a tour of Leiscatie Academy.

There was much to see for a school as old as theirs and filled with history. From the classrooms to the laboratory, the varied forms of what Kaze and Noel were used to back in Tristania could be explored as much as they wanted. The magic labs here were much more spacious and had an old touch to them, but was filled with modern equipment for class and training purposes. There were even specialized labs for conducting research by certain students who have reached a level of mastery in their studies. It was also what Lune-sensei's faculty specialized in: magic research and cultivation.

Moving on from the numerous labs came the academy library. Taking up an impressive 3 story internal structure, the library was isolated from most of the building to specify that a certain space was used to store all the books and records by the school itself. It wasn't like it was a separate building, but rather it had been isolated from the inside. This meant that there were different exit points throughout the building since the library section was the only one that had an internal staircase for ease of access.

Touring the facilities within the library didn't take much time at all. Kaze and Noel felt impressed by the vast pool of knowledge provided by the library, which was comparable to the scale of a national library. Kaguya explained to them that the library in the academy indeed could function as a national library, especially since it had one of the largest collections of material in the nation itself. The only difference was that it didn't have 'restricted' or 'national' level of information stored. This was especially so when the academy functioned as a research facility for nurturing students as well, allowing approved research reports and articles to be published and stored in the library for ease of access.

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