Chapter 8

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Lunaria woke up the next day feeling great.

While the group consumed more alcohol than expected, Lunaria had the ability to detoxify herself with magic so it really didn't affect her performance. On the other hand, while Kaze was new to alcohol, he could be seen with no problem drinking just as much as the other experienced drinker. This just meant that Kaze had a high tolerance level, which was rare for a newbie like him. In the end, the one to fall asleep first was Sera, who personally was weak to rice wine. Their night ended there, with everyone returning to their respective rooms.

As today was a weekend, Lunaria had her own plans for the day even if it was break day. After getting a morning shower and breakfast with Shiro, she confirmed with her friends on their condition whether they were feeling the aftereffects of the alcohol. She couldn't do this with Kaze since he lived a distance away from the dorm and it would be weird for her to walk all the way there just to ask him about his condition. Similar to the girls' dorms, the boys' dorms also had a protective barrier around it to prevent guys from bringing in female companions for... various reasons.

If Lunaria wanted, she could easily bypass the security with her advanced magic control but there was no point in doing so.

"I will be out for a shopping trip," Lunaria told Shiro before she left the room. "See you later, okay? Behave yourself when Akaru returns."

Lunaria headed over to the market area of Tristania. It was a slight walk away from school, but it wasn't inconvenient in any sense. Lunaria liked the quantity of food choices that was available at the marketplace and most things were brought in fresh, meaning that even the quality was guaranteed. In a place like Tristania, it was natural to assume that the standard of living was high and thus the economy was a reflection of that. The prices of food were slightly higher in certain stalls, but this was also due to factors like the limit in quantity and the popular demand for certain items.

"How much is this?"

"Ohh, for a cute student like you, I can sell it to you at a price of 2 for 3 each, how about it?"

"Fufu, I will take you up on your offer then."

Lunaria easily haggled the price of some vegetables with her own charm, something that she was hesitant to use but useful at times like these. Besides, it wasn't like the sellers were making a loss in profit, otherwise they wouldn't give the same treatment to others from time to time.

Currently, Lunaria had hidden her dragonic features with illusion magic. It was the weak type that was easily dispelled if she received an attack but easy to maintain. Plus, it helped that she looked more like an elf now than a dragon with her ears being similar to that of elves. The only thing she had to look out for was her tail. Dragonkins could easily fold their wings in their clothes for a short period of time before it got uncomfortable, but Lunaria didn't need long before she bought everything she came for.

Even as a princess, she was aware of how much budget she had, not to say that hers was anywhere near most of the nobles in school anyway. She certainly was much closer to Yuuji in terms of money readily available to them, thus it was necessary to be frugal in the first place to ensure that she didn't lose sight of how much money she could spend. Still, that didn't stop her from acquiring rare or high-quality items that she loved to eat.

Shortly after, Lunaria returned back to the dorm to find that Shiro was cuddling with Akaru, her black cat.

Lunaria paid them no mind and moved on to prepare lunch. It was a little early considering what time she left for the market and returned, but Lunaria had other plans in mind. That was because she was planning to make lunch for Kaze as well.

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